5 (ish) best couples from Cobra Kai

COBRA KAI - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 102 - Courtesy of Mark Hill/YouTube Red/Courtesy of Sony Pictures Television/Netflix
COBRA KAI - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 102 - Courtesy of Mark Hill/YouTube Red/Courtesy of Sony Pictures Television/Netflix /

Even though Netflix lists Cobra Kai‘s genre as TV drama, there’s also a lot of romance in this feel-good martial arts-centered series, hich you might expect since Ali and Daniel’s relationship was one of the things that made The Karate Kid so endearing.

Plus, you can’t have a teen-heavy cast without a love story or two, can you? That’s where some of the best drama originates from!

However, the love lives of the adults in Cobra Kai get some storyline time, too.

Let’s check out the 5 (ish) best couples from the series.

Best couples from Cobra Kai

1. Daniel and Amanda

I’m not going to lie. When I first learned about the Cobra Kai series, the romantic in me hoped to find that Daniel LaRusso had ended up with his high school sweetheart, Ali. The realist in me, however, knew that was unlikely.

He did end up marrying Amanda. She’s got a lot of Ali-esque traits, including beauty, brains, a good heart and a beaming smile.

In a lot of ways, Daniel and Amanda have the ideal marriage. Their solid bond sets a good example for their kids, but they also balance each other perfectly. Where Daniel can be a bit unrealistic, Amanda is centered and calm and can reign him back in when he gets too carried away. But mostly she supports him and vice versa. Their good communication, witty banter and support for each other are what make them a good couple and a fun one to watch on the series.

2. Johnny and Carmen

To be fair, Johnny and Carmen aren’t officially a couple. Yet.

In season 3, they did hook up, and in episode 10 he had every intention of telling her that he loves her. That was scarped when he knocked on her door to find Miguel beaten up from the fight at Sam’s house. Will he finally confess his feelings in season 4?

I hope so. Carmen is good for Johnny. She makes him a better man. Even more importantly, she inspires him to want to be a better man.

However, their romantic tension adds a kind of Sam and Diane (Cheers) or Jim and Pam (The Office) anticipation to the overall storyline, which is what makes them a good couple to watch.

3. Demetri and Yasmine

In season 3 of Cobra Kai, an unexpected romance bloomed between Demetri, one of Cobra Kai‘s biggest (but most lovable) nerds, and Yasmine, the prettiest girl in the school who was also the meanest before Tory came along…and before Aisha helped her earn the unfortunate nickname of  “Front Wedgie.”

Their relationship is fun because it adds comedic relief. It’s sweet to see Demetri “get the girl” so to speak, and it’s fun to see him bring out Yasmine’s softer side.

4. Kreese and Betsy

Kreese was once in love? It’s among the surprising things we learn about John Kreese in season 3. Her name was Betsy and she was a complete sweetheart.

We don’t get to see much of their relationship, but we see enough in flashbacks to know Kreese was smitten with her. Then tragedy struck. Kreese’s girlfriend died…which he learns about the same night that he ends up killing his captain in Vietnam.

But what would have happened if she’d lived? Would he have still killed Captain Turner? How would Kreese’s life have been different? What kind of man might he have become instead? Or was he always destined to be so vile?

It’s interesting to consider how a broken heart might have helped shape who he became. But it’s also interesting to ponder how the power of love might’ve tempered some of his evil ways…and if it had, Cobra Kai as we know it might never have existed.

5. Sam and… Miguel or Robby?

This where the “5-ish” comes in. Sam and Miguel? Or Sam and Robby?

I’m not sure who I want to see Sam end up with. At first I thought she and Miguel made a cute couple…until they didn’t. Glimmers of what made their relationship work emerged again in season 3, but I think I’m actually rooting for her and Robby to work things out. I think their chemistry is more appealing.

What about you? Who you think Sam works best with and who do you want to see her end up with?

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