David Harbour shares weird video with Millie Bobby Brown from Stranger Things season 4 set

Stranger Things - Credit: Netflix
Stranger Things - Credit: Netflix /

We’ve only seen a small look at Stranger Things season 4 so far. David Harbour decided to give fans a little behind-the-scenes look at season 4 in a super weird video that could not have gone as planned.

It all started when Harbour announced he would be doing an Instagram video. When fans arrived, they found Harbour in his season 4 costume as Hopper from set.

It appears Harbour decided to do a little promo while taking a break from his workday. Then, all of the sudden, Harbour got Millie Bobby Brown on the phone and in the video. They weren’t together in the same location, although based on their conversations, Brown was just in Atlanta to film scenes for season 4 recently.

Harbour joked that Netflix would fire him for doing a video from set. He also congratulated Brown on the premiere of her new movie, Godzilla vs. Kong, which premiered last weekend.

David Harbour and Millie Bobby Brown video from Stranger Things season 4 set

It’s unclear why Harbour called fans together for the Instagram video. To make things even more confusing, we hear someone yell something to Harbour off-screen. From what we could gather, he was called back to set to finish the day, which was very amusing to fans and Brown.

Then, the video just ends! You just have to check it out!

I don’t know about you, but it’s just good to see Harbour and Brown together! It’s good to see anything about Stranger Things season 4.

It’s been a while since we’ve even seen these stars in action. Seeing Harbour in costume as Hopper was actually kind of refreshing!

He looks very similar to how Hopper looked in the Stranger Things season 4 teaser trailer from early 2020 that confirmed Hopper was the American in the Russian prison.

We still don’t know a lot about Stranger Things season 4. We’re learning more and more about the plot to rescue Hopper, most likely, with that teaser that introduced fans to Yuri a while back.

There are also some rumors that production on Stranger Things season 4 will be winding down soon and then the cast and crew will start filming Stranger Things season 5. That has not been confirmed. I have a lot of doubt about that happening, given the challenges everyone is facing in regard to the pandemic.

We’ll let you know more about Stranger Things season 4 when we find out. For now, enjoy Harbour and Brown together on screen!

Stay tuned for the season 4 release date. We’ll let you know when we find out more information.

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