Parasyte: The Grey is now streaming on Netflix. Hopefully, you read our recap of the first episode because we're about to dive into the second episode. The story unravels even more, and we finally find out what's really going on at the secret revival prayer meeting at Saejin Church.
Spoilers from Parasyte: The Grey episode 2 ahead!
The second episode opens with Kang-woo pawning off one of his watches. After he gets money for the watch, he heads to the phone store to get his phone turned back on. While he waits for the employee to fix his phone, he heads to a motorcycle shop nearby. He asks the worker if he can buy a motorcycle and they come to some sort of deal. After getting his phone back, Kang-woo makes his way back to the motorcycle shop and finds out that the worker ratted him out to the the rival gang that's after him. Luckily, he manages to successfully escape.
While waiting at a boat dock, Kang-woo calls a person named Kyu-min. He tells him about the rival gang after him. It appears Kyu-min is a part of the Mangnani gang like him. They agree to meet up later that night and then they end their call. Kang-woo takes out the Saejin Church pamphlet and stares at it. It looks like that's where he's headed next. The episode cuts to the title card next.
After the opening ends, we're taken to Team Grey's work site. Won-seok talks with Jun-kyung and asks to join Team Grey. Jun-kyung tells him that if he actively cooperates and helps track down parasites, she'll put in a good word for him with headquarters. Won-seok thanks her before walking away. Then, we're taken back to the supermarket where Su-in works her shift. Chul-min meets with her for lunch. But he has an ulterior motive for meeting with her. He wants to see if she's a parasite, so he smoothly plucks a strand of her hair. When he examines the hair, it doesn't disappear, letting him know that she's not a parasite. Well, the audience knows she's a half-parasite. Since she's not a full one that's probably why the hair didn't crumble away.
During their conversation, Su-in starts to hear a high-pitched noise, which means another parasite is near. The parasite stares at her before walking away. Before ending their conversation, Chul-min gifts Su-in a keychain as a present. He then walks away. Now, the episode's focus is back on Kang-woo, who has arrived at Saejin Church. But he hides away in the trees and watches as people arrive. One of those people is Su-in, who was captured by Kang-woo's older sister and the strange man. Kang-woo then looks to his right and notices a mysterious building. He heads over there to check it out.
Meanwhile, a bunch of parasites including Su-in gather inside Saejin Church to listen to the pastor. The pastor is the leader of the parasites. He turns on a video message of a parasite who escaped Team Grey's clutches. This is the same parasite who found the Hunting Dog in the van. In the video, the parasite explains that a police force (Team Grey) is after them and that they're keeping one of their own as a prisoner (Hunting Dog). He tells the other parasites that if they don't come up with a plan quick, Team Grey will soon find them and eliminate them all. The parasite then shrivels up and dies.
Meanwhile, Kang-woo finds a way inside the mysterious building. He finds dead bodies in bags hanging from the wall. Suddenly, a parasite walks into the building and Kang-woo is forced to hide. As he tries to escape, he comes across a dead body in a bag that he recognizes. It's his younger sister that he's been looking for. Filled with rage, Kang-woo comes out of hiding and begins attacking the parasite. Kang-woo then runs out of the building. The noise from the attack makes its way to the church and the pastor commands that all parasites go after Kang-woo.
As Kang-woo runs through the woods, he encounters the rival gang after him. He tries to warn them that they must leave before they're killed, but they don't listen. Kang-woo's older sister and other parasites show up and begin slicing each gang member open. Kang-woo uses this opportunity to escape. He runs into Su-in in the woods, and they run to the gas station together. At the gas station, they meet up with Kyu-min and tell him to hurry up and get in the car. As they quickly drive away, Kyu-min tries to kill Kang-woo. It's revealed that Kyu-min is a traitor and told the rival gang where Kang-woo was. Suddenly, a parasite (the strange man) lands on the car. Kang-woo then ventures off the road into the woods to get away from him, but the car hits a tree and hangs off a cliff.
Sensing Su-in is in danger, parasitic Su-in takes over her body and begins fighting the strange man. She kills the other parasite before turning back into normal Su-in. Meanwhile, Kang-woo tries to figure out how to get out of the car before it falls from the cliff. While he does make it out of the car, he ends up falling on the hood. Su-in tries to save him but isn't strong enough. So, parasitic Su-in takes over again and saves him with her tentacles.
The second episode ends with us back at Team Grey HQ. Jun-kyung comes across Su-in's attempted murder case, and after reading over the details, she realizes that Su-in is a parasite. Dun dun duuun!
Grade: B
What will be Jun-kyung's next move now that she knows Su-in is a parasite?
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