If you only had invested in Netflix you would be rich but how rich

You could be so rich.
Netflix icon
Netflix icon | SOPA Images/GettyImages

Netflix has had a mostly fantastic life on Wall Street. Maybe it took a dip here or there, but let's be real. If you invested in the company a long time ago, you would have made a wise move. In fact, you would have to be better off than you are now, but let's just hope you are happy however you are.

Still, according to a report by Yahoo Finance, you would have only had to have relatively little to invest to be extremely wealthy now. The site states that had one invested $1,000 in January 2015 and held on to the stock, that $1,000 would be worth $15,642,94 now. But let's throw out the mere sum of $1k. (That is partially a joke because if you currently have $1k, can I borrow some of it?)

Let's say you had a bunch of money lying around 10 years ago ready to invest. You wanted to put it all in one stock, though, as it was your last hope to ever have financial peace. Maybe you had $20,000 that your mother had left you before she split to Brazil and began a career as a musical artist. Don't blame her. She just wanted to follow her passion.

Netflix could have made you rich by now

Now, let's pretend you placed all that $20k on Netflix stock (the artist also known as NFLIX). As there has been a 1,464.29 percent increase in the stock since the beginning of 2015, you would now have $292,858. That is enough to buy a house in some states. In some others, a 10 percent down payment.

Heck, if your mom had left you $50,000 and you placed it all on Netflix, you'd now have $732,145. If you could not afford to pay off a home at that amount then you are likely looking for a home beyond your means. Having a smaller home is not a bad thing.

But how did Netflix do it? First, instead of just sending out DVDs and streaming, the company began investing in original programming. They also seemingly had a bunch of smart people who had worked for studios working for the streamer so the choices they made, such as the creation of series such as Stranger Things, were smart ones.

There are a vast number of streaming services now, of course, but Netflix still rules them all. That is because the company has been run amazingly. The good part is that is not going to stop. The original programming (therefore, exclusive) only promises to get better. That means more subscribers and more money for Netflix. If you currently do hold stock in the company, just keep hold of it for a while.

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