A Good Girl's Guide to Murder episode 4 recap

Naomi is hiding a huge secret in A Good Girl's Guide to Murder episode 4
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Emma Myers as Pip Fitz-Amobi and Zain Iqbal as Ravi Singh in A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2024
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Emma Myers as Pip Fitz-Amobi and Zain Iqbal as Ravi Singh in A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2024

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder episode 4 picks up right where the third episode ended! 

Well, as it turns out, Pippa and Ravi did not find Andie’s burner phone from her drug dealing days, but they did find the next best thing: a whole bunch of drugs. I can’t remember who tipped off Pippa and Ravi to the plush doll that contained the drugs, but that’s how they knew to take it from Andie’s room, even five years after she was killed. 

In addition to the haul of drugs, they also find a list written on a notepad with a hotel logo on it. Pippa realizes that Andie probably stayed at that hotel, and they plan to make a visit.

Later, Pippa is late for her practice interview to get into Cambridge University, which is observed by Mr. Ward, Cara and Naomi’s father. The interview goes well, and Pippa and the interviewer discuss literature. At the end, the woman asks Pippa what her EPQ is on, and she lies for some reason. When the interview ends, Pippa quickly leaves to meet up with Ravi and continue the investigation. 

Pip and Ravi follow their lead to a hotel in a nearby town. They set off the fire alarm to get into one of the rooms where Andie had stayed, and they realize that she did stay at the hotel in that specific room, too. The picture of Andie from Max’s house matches the floor at the hotel. They also steal the guest book from the hotel to find out who stayed their around the time Andie was visiting.

As Pip looks through the guest book, she finds her stepfather’s name, Victor Amobi, in the book around the time that Andie was there. She thinks that Victor could be the older man who was seeing Andie.

As Pip gets closer to solving the murder, she’s questioned by Nat’s brother, Dan, the police officer. He knows that they broke into Andie’s house, and he makes Pip get into his car, where he asks her to drop it. He shows her a video from Sal’s interrogation where he gets violent with the detective questioning him. 

Later, she shares the news to Ravi, and she expresses for the first time in a long time that Sal might have actually killed Andie. She tells Ravi about that day at school when she saw Andie and Sal, when she told Sal where Andie was. That was the day Andie died. Pip says that she feels responsible for the whole thing, and he basically calls her selfish for making it all about her. 

They get into a big fight, and Pip goes to Cara’s house. She doesn’t tell Cara what happened, but she does talk to Naomi. She admits to Naomi that she thinks Sal is guilty. For some reason, Naomi allows Pip to use her computer after Pip’s was stolen. In front of Cara, Naomi says a weird coded message that sends Pip down a rabbit hole to Max’s finsta. Pip finds pictures from the night in question that prove that Naomi, Max, and their other friends had lied about the time that Sal left the party for some reason. 

Pip rushes to the school's graduating class's Welcome Back party to find Ravi. Instead, she runs into Max and Naomi. They go to a classroom, and Naomi reveals why she and her friends lied to the police. Someone found out something Naomi and her friends did. Then, the episode ends! 

We don't find out exactly why Naomi lied, but we're about to in episode 5!