Since its arrival on Netflix on November 30, 2023, following its Paramount+ debut, School Spirits has captivated audiences with its gripping blend of mystery, teenage drama, and supernatural elements. The series, centered around Maddie’s (Peyton List) quest to unravel the mystery of her death and appearance in the afterlife, has garnered a dedicated fanbase, eager to delve deeper into the world it portrays.
Set within the halls of Split River High School, where living and deceased characters intermingle, School Spirits not only navigates the intricacies of the afterlife but also explores themes of growth and transformation across both the living and spirit realms. If you haven’t experienced this gripping series yet, now’s the time! Get ready to make it a favorite of your own. Dive into the intrigue by checking out the official trailer below:
Now, if you’re as curious about the show’s captivating locations as we were, get ready to uncover the intriguing filming spots that lent their unique essence to this addictive series below!
Find out the filming locations for School Spirits!
While the halls of Split River High School hold secrets of the afterlife, the captivating backdrop wasn’t crafted in the heart of Wisconsin as the storyline suggests. Instead, the enchanting world of School Spirits came to fruition amidst the diverse landscapes of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada!
Exterior shots for School Spirits
The exterior shots, showcasing the hauntingly beautiful school, were meticulously captured at an abandoned building nestled at the intersection of Heather and 37th Avenue in Vancouver. The abandoned structure underwent a transformation, revamped by the show’s creators to emulate the essence of a real high school.
While the fictional town of Split River might exist solely within the pages of the graphic novel that the series is based on, Vancouver’s diverse urban environment provided the perfect backdrop to capture the essence of this imagined locale. The city’s multifarious landscapes and rich tapestry of settings added an irresistible allure to the series, offering a captivating blend of authenticity and creative ingenuity.
Interior short for School Spirits
As for the inner workings of Split River High, the mystique behind its hallways and classrooms was masterfully crafted on a soundstage within Vancouver. As filming wrapped, Nate Trinrud, the mastermind behind the scenes, and the radiant star Peyton List didn’t just bid adieu; they sprinkled some behind-the-scenes enchantments by unveiling captivating cast photos on Instagram! These snapshots revealed the sheer dedication and artistry that stitched together the fabric of this spectral world, giving us a sneak peek into the mesmerizing magic that shaped the show’s one-of-a-kind atmosphere.
Through the lens of a Vancouver soundstage, the interiors of Split River High School came alive, providing the perfect canvas for the intricate storytelling and otherworldly experiences that define School Spirits.
The supernatural-themed series School Spirits is now available for streaming on Netflix in the United States!