The Night Agent is an intense action-thriller series, adapted from the novel by Matthew Quirk. The show revolves around a low-level FBI agent who works in the basement of the White House. He spends his days manning a phone that never rings, until one night when he receives a call that changes everything. The call plunges him into a high-stakes conspiracy that leads him on a dangerous journey all the way to the Oval Office. As the story unfolds, he discovers that there are dark forces at play, and he must use all his skills to stay alive and bring the perpetrators to justice.
The Night Agent is a captivating character-driven drama that explores the complexities of power and corruption in Washington, DC. It’s a thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end with an amazing cast led by actor Gabriel Basso, who plays the title character in the series.
Fans have quickly taken to the new series which shot to the top of the Netflix Top 10 over its first weekend on the service. Among the many things fans have fallen in love with while watching the show is Basso, who is a true standout in the series. While Basso is no stranger to Hollywood, The Night Agent is undoubtedly a breakout role for the hard-working actor whose performance has left many fans eager to know more about him — including whether the tattoos we see his character rocking in the show are actually real.
Does Gabriel Basso have tattoos in real life?
In television, it’s not uncommon for an actor to don fake tattoos to help sell a character’s look which often leads to curiosity among viewers when to know whether actor tattoos are real or fake when they’re watching a show. This is a question The Night Agent fans have been asking themselves due to the fact that Gabriel Basso’s character on the show, Peter Sutherland, has an intricate arm tattoo which is visibly seen in several scenes across the show — including his character’s shirtless scenes. So are Gabriel Basso’s tattoos real?
Yes, Gabriel Basso does have tattoos in real life, meaning the tattoos you see in The Night Agent are not fake but rather are Basso’s real tattoos.
If one was to look into Basso’s Instagram account, one’ll notice his arm sleeve is present in a number of photos not connected to The Night Agent which helps to confirm the tattoos we see in the show are in fact Basso’s real tattoos.
It’s not uncommon for a show to write in an actor’s tattoos when it fits the narrative and Peter having tattoos does not do anything to hinder the show. In fact, they perfectly match the character’s vibe and we love that the writers chose not to cover them up using makeup or CGI!