Kotaro Lives Alone and the 5 best Netflix anime of 2022

Kotaro Lives AloneImage Courtesy Netflix
Kotaro Lives AloneImage Courtesy Netflix /

We’ve officially arrived at the point of the year when it’s time to reflect on all the awesome Netflix anime we’ve been blessed with in 2022.

Fans enjoyed a great deal of anime shows and films that explored all genres. From a horrifying sci-fi series about the relationship of the self to a hilarious show about an ancient constructor who finds himself suddenly transported to modern-day Japan, we didn’t have to worry about running out of titles to watch or re-watch at our leisure. Even so, some stood above the rest, as these anime were simply too good to go uncelebrated.

Best Netflix anime of 2022

It’s not every day that we get a heartwarming anime about a young boy doing his best to live on his own, nor is it a typical thing to receive a show with a love affair bright enough to burn the sun. However, it is the rarest occurrence to get both of these shows, along with many more stunning shows, all within the same year.

Without further ado, here are the six best anime of 2022!


Episode Count: N/A

When we think of which anime had the most jaw-dropping visuals of the year, Bubble comes to mind.

Animated by WIT Studio, the animation studio that gave us the likes of Attack on Titan and Spy x Family, this film took us on a journey through the rubbles of a broken world in need of something ethereal. There, we met Uta, an otherworldly girl with a voice powerful enough to repair the damage — the saving grace. But we also meet other astounding individuals, each with their own set of talents unique enough to make a big difference.

The soundtrack of this film is yet another reason to give a special shout-out to this title, as all the songs picked know just how to soothe the soul. Undoubtedly, everyone involved in this anime put a great deal of time into making this a masterpiece.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Episode Count: 10

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners left anime fans with a feeling so profound they simply couldn’t put their awe into words.

The 2022 anime, inspired by the classic video game, was a riveting look at the classic rags-to-riches story we all enjoy. However, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners did so in a way that showed the true desperation of those at the bottom of the totem pole seeking a way to make a name for themselves. Also, amid all the wreckage and bloodshed was a love story for the ages. And though things didn’t end quite the way we hoped, we’re content with the fact that fate allowed us to experience this magical series.

With the success of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, we can only hope that another installment of this reverting series will follow. But if not, we’re more than glad we got a chance to learn about the rise and fall of David Martinez and his fellow ragtag bunch.

Drifting Home

Episode Count: N/A

Drifting Home proves that courageous children are often at the heart of every exceptional anime title, as audiences couldn’t help but be captivated by the display of camaraderie put on by kids who found themselves stranded in the middle of the ocean.

Confused about where they are and where they were going, these kids did their best to make the most of their situation despite their fears. In doing so, they inspired many viewers to not only try to find the silver lining in every circumstance but to stop and smell the roses now and again. What’s more, this anime highlighted how different personalities can come together to make a beautiful symphony.

Kids like these give us so much hope for the future, and we can’t help but take a few notes. Perhaps you’ll also learn a thing or two when you watch!

Kotaro Lives Alone

Episode Count: 10

Tears of joy and sadness always fall when we think about Kotaro Lives Alone. The sadness comes from the fact that such a young boy had to deal with so much trauma and heartache so soon. But the joy comes from knowing that the helpless child eventually found the help and love that he desperately needed and desired.

From the story behind the tissue paper to the balloons he holds close to him to the reasoning behind why he prefers to get his shoulder wet in the rain, Kotaro reminded us to be kind to everyone and to lend a helping hand when we can.

Kotaro is still in the hearts of many anime fans. Hopefully, we’ll get the opportunity to see where else his adorable adventures will lead him and his newfound family.


Episode Count: 8

Fans of Park Tae-joon’s work were more than excited to finally stream Lookism, and it’s safe to say that audiences were not disappointed.

The anime tells the story of a young boy no one pays attention to because he isn’t society’s go-to image when they think of an attractive person. However, all that changes when he suddenly wakes up in a different body. Now that his new self is far more appealing, people finally notice him. But is the attention all that it’s cracked up to be, especially when everyone only adores him because of how he looks?

Lookism is a great watch from start to finish. You’ll learn many important life lessons, release some much-needed emotions, and have a few laughs along the way. It’s the complete package!

Romantic Killer

Episode Count: 12

Raving about Romantic Killer is all we do in our spare time! This anime series reaffirmed to us that there is no timeline for falling in love and that we can prioritize putting our needs and wants first. Although the protagonist wasn’t able to live out this lesson to the fullest, seeing a young girl care little about romance and more about what makes her happy is a very refreshing sight and very well may inspire young people everywhere to take the same route.

Of course, everybody needs somebody, which is why this anime series also went out of its way to let us know that we do have to get out of our comfort zones to find someone who truly understands us for who we are. Be it platonic or romantic, it always helps to have someone by your side.

Shoujo anime just keeps getting better and better. We can’t wait to see what other romance anime (or, in this case, anti-romance anime) awaits us next.

And with that, we say goodbye to another great year! We already know 2023 is going to be filled with equally-amazing titles, but of course, the only way to find out is to stream every Netflix anime releasing in the new year.

Next. Farzar, In From the Cold, and 8 Netflix shows you forgot premiered in 2022 (for better or worse). dark

Did we miss a couple of great titles? Or is our list perfect? Feel free to let us know what your favorite Netflix anime was this year!