Marianne season 2: 5 questions the horror series still needs to answer

Photo: Marianne - Emmanuel Guimier/Netflix
Photo: Marianne - Emmanuel Guimier/Netflix /
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Photo: Marianne – Emmanuel Guimier/Netflix
Photo: Marianne – Emmanuel Guimier/Netflix /

As more viewers discover Marianne on Netflix, the nightmares spread. But the horror series is also leaving us with plenty of questions season 2 needs to answer.

Marianne is the latest Netflix series to haunt our dreams. If you haven’t given this French horror a chance, the Halloween season is the perfect time to do so! Marianne follows Emma, portrayed by Victoire Du Bois, a young novelist who has a series of books that center around a character named Lizzie Larck and her attempts to stop an evil witch known as Marianne.

Emma’s witch stories stem from her childhood night terrors of a witch she and her friends accidentally summoned when they were young. Unfortunately, writing the books only helped keep the witch away for a while, but now that Emma wants to move on with other stories, Marianne is back to haunt them all.

The following contains spoilers if you are not caught up on (or have yet to watch) Marianne on Netflix! Finish up watching the first season before reading ahead.

All done watching Marianne? How are you handling those nightmares? Besides restless sleep, you’re likely also going through a lot of questions on your mind about how things ended. If that’s the case, we’re here to help!

Before we move along, it’s important to note that the streaming giant has not renewed the series for a second season just yet. However, as this hidden gem continues to be discovered, its audience can grow large enough for Netflix to gift us more episodes. Not to mention, that cliffhanger of an ending needs a follow-up!

Here are five questions Marianne season 2 needs to answer (final spoiler warning!):