Recently, Netflix debuted The Hijacking of Flight 601, a Columbian series inspired by the true story of one of the longest aerial hijackings in Latin American history, which occurred on May 30, 1973.
The series follows what starts as a routine flight for the passengers aboard Aerobolivar Flight 601, but turns into a days-long nightmare when two armed men hijack the plane. The hijackers are two former Paraguayan football players who have disguised themselves as guerrillas in order to demand a ransom and political concessions.
As the hijacking unfolds, the co-pilots and the limited crew attempt to outwit the attackers while trying to maintain calm among the 43 passengers on board. The official synopsis, as per Netflix's Media Center, reads:
"When two armed revolutionaries hijack and threaten to blow up Flight 601 unless the Colombian government releases 50 political prisoners and pays them a hefty ransom in cash. When the political leaders refuse to negotiate, the aggressors start shooting one passenger per hour and force the plane to fly across Latin America. Meanwhile, the Captain and two courageous flight attendants try to outwit the hijackers while negotiating with their local officials. Amid the imminent horror, the crew must fight back to return the hostages back home safely. This is a breathtaking political thriller based on actual events on May 30th, 1973."Netflix Media Center
For those who are curious about the cast who bring to life this exhilarating true story of The Hijacking of Flight 601, you're in the right place! Join us as we reveal the full cast list below!
Who stars in The Hijacking of Flight 601? (Full cast)
The Hijacking of Flight 601 boasts an exceptionally talented ensemble of Colombian actors! According to IMDb, the actors who starred in the Netflix series include:
- Johan Rivera
- Arif S. Kinchen
- Monica Lopera
- Valentín Villafañe
- Alián Devetac
- Christian Tappan
- Angela Cano
- Enrique Carriazo
- Marcela Benjumea
- Ilenia Antonini
- Carlos Manuel Vesga
Click on their names to be taken to their official filmography and acting history!
Watch the talented actors in action in the official trailer for The Hijacking of Flight 601 below:
The Hijacking of Flight 601 episode count on Netflix
The Hijacking of Flight 601 comprises 6 episodes, all released on Netflix on April 10, 2024. Unfortunately, for those anticipating further installments, this Colombian drama is a limited series, meaning there won't be a second season. However, with Netflix continually adding new TV shows and films, there's bound to be something else to catch your attention soon!