Love is Blind season 6 finale preview, release time, and what to expect

It's time to find out which Love Is Blind season 6 couples are getting married.
Love is Blind. Season 6 of Love is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024
Love is Blind. Season 6 of Love is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

We're so close to the finale, yet it looks like we might be headed into the last episode with only a few couples making it. A lot happened in this week's episodes of Love Is Blind season 6, including the highly-teased meeting of Jessica and Jimmy. Did he need his EpiPen after all?

Spoilers ahead for Love Is Blind season 6 episodes 10-11

The latest episode drop contained episodes 10 and 11, titled "What Could Have Been," and "Roller Coaster of Love." We finally met up with some of the other pod members, including Jessica and Trevor, who almost matched with Jimmy and Chelsea. However, if you were looking for drama or sparks this week, it surprisingly didn't happen between that quadrangle.

While Jimmy/Jessica and Chelsea/Trevor each had one-on-one conversations, everything was handled in a mature way and the two couples got some closure for their "what ifs." The real drama came from the ugly love triangle between Laura/Jeramey/Sarah Ann.

When we last left off with Jeramey and Laura, she had called him out on a lie regarding him staying out until like 5 a.m. with Sarah Ann. According to Jeramey, nothing illicit happened between them, but he did neglect to tell Laura that he drove Sarah Ann to her house and supposedly they sat outside and talked in the car for hours.

Laura's close friend AD was actually the one to confront Sarah Ann about her manipulative behavior, including sending Jeramey a DM telling him the door was still open if things didn't work out between him and Laura. Sarah Ann even reveals to AD that Jeramey had told her already things were over between them. Yikes.

Laura breaks things off permanently with Jeramey and there is clearly no love lost between them as things end badly. Not once does Jeramey actually look upset about any of this, mind you. I felt for Laura who ends up crying at the party and then Jeramey just up and leaves with Sarah Ann to go... jet-skiing? Not a good look.

These two episodes end with yet another shocking cliffhanger as we see Chelsea and Jimmy reconsidering their entire relationship. We're left in limbo as Chelsea decides whether or not she really wants to get married to Jimmy or not.

Love is Blind. (L to R) Clay, Ad in episode 607 of Love is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

What to expect from the season 6 finale

In the finale next week, we will get to see at least two couples make it to the altar. The teaser shows both AD/Clay and Johnny/Amy, so we know they have weddings. Although Chelsea tried on her wedding dress, she isn't shown in the teaser, but that would spoil the cliffhanger so it doesn't necessarily mean she and Jimmy won't end up together.

That said, a Reddit post previously spoiled the entire season and so far everything predicted has come true. If it continues being true for the finale, then Amy/Johnny will be the only couple to get married. We'll find out for sure next week.

Week 4: Season 6 finale release time

The Love Is Blind season 6 finale is releasing on Wednesday, March 6, on Netflix. Netflix has also announced the season 6 reunion, which will air at a special time on March 13. The finale is dropping at the same time as usual, meaning it will be available to watch at 12:00 a.m. PT / 3:00 a.m. ET.

All episodes apart from the finale are now streaming on Netflix, so you can catch up with the season ahead of the weddings and find out which couples are headed to the altar!

Stay tuned to Netflix Life for more details and coverage on Love Is Blind season 6.