Following its debut on Netflix on January 11, 2024, the Polish crime drama series Detective Forst has quickly become the talk of the town! The gripping series revolves around Wiktor Forst, a charismatic yet unconventional police detective portrayed by the talented Borys Szyc. Forst's unconventional approach to crime-solving adds excitement to the story, frequently causing conflicts with his superiors.
Set against the backdrop of the Tatra Mountains, the series unfolds as a series of brutal murders shakes the picturesque region. Forst takes center stage in the investigation, joining forces with journalist Olga Szrebska, played by Zuzanna Saporznikow. The official synopsis, according to IMDb, teases the unfolding drama:
""Tatra Mountains will become an arena of brutal murder. The investigation is carried out by a cynical but effective policeman, Wiktor Forst.""IMDb
For those who find themselves captivated by the twists and turns of Detective Forst and hunger for more, your cravings are about to be sated! The show is based on the popular Forst book series by Remigiusz Mróz. If you're itching to delve deeper into the world of Wiktor Forst and uncover what lies ahead, we've got all the details on the entire series of books below!
Forst book series that inspired Netflix's Detective Forst
As mentioned, the crime drama Detective Forst finds its roots in a captivating series of novels by Remigiusz Mróz. While the first season draws inspiration from the initial two novels, fans are in for a literary treat with four additional volumes that offer a glimpse into the potential unfolding drama in future Netflix seasons!
The entire Forst book series is as follows:
- Exposure (2015)
- Przewieśnie (Overhang) (2016)
- Traverse (2016)
- Denivelation (2017)
- Rockslide (2018)
- Foehn (2020)
Are the Forst books available in English?
Now, for the not-so-great news: as of now, the six captivating Forst novels are not available in English. It's a bit of a literary cliffhanger for English-speaking fans. But fear not, given the popularity of Detective Forst, there's hope that a translation might be on the horizon in the near future!
On a more uplifting note, fans of Remigiusz Mróz can still get their fix of his intriguing storytelling. Last year, a UK publisher released an English translation of Final Appeal, a gripping legal crime thriller by the same author. You can uncover the thrills of Final Appeal on Amazon, or pay a visit to your local book retailer to snag a copy. Who knows, it might just be the perfect read while we await the English translation of the Forst series!