A Good Girl's Guide to Murder episode 2 recap

Pippa gets a threatening note during a camping trip to stop her investigation
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Emma Myers as Pip Fitz-Amobi, Jude Morgan-Collie as Connor Reynolds, Raiko Gohara as Zach Chen, Yali Topol Margalith as Lauren Gibson and Asha Banks as Cara Ward in A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2024
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder. Emma Myers as Pip Fitz-Amobi, Jude Morgan-Collie as Connor Reynolds, Raiko Gohara as Zach Chen, Yali Topol Margalith as Lauren Gibson and Asha Banks as Cara Ward in A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2024

At the end of the first episode of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, Pippa (Emma Myers) is officially in on clearing Sal’s (Rahul Pattni) name and finding the person who actually killed Andie Bell (India Lillie Davies). To do it, she’s going to all of Andie and Sal’s friends and revisiting what happened the night she disappeared. 

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder episode 2 begins with Pip interviewing Emma, Andie’s best friend, who lies to Pip about Sal and Andie arguing. She tells Pip to never contact her again. 

Later, Ravi and Pip go for a walk and discuss the case. Pip still wants to interview a few of Andie’s friends, including Nat Da Silva (Jessica Webber), who won’t respond to her messages. They talked about Sal, and Ravi (Zain Iqbal) said he enjoys talking about his brother. 

Pip and Cara (Asha Banks) make up, but Cara makes her promise that she will leave Naomi (Yasmin Al-Khudhairi) out of it. 

Pip watches Nat Da Silva playing tennis against Cara (or someone). Nat loses and freaks out. Pip follows her to the locker room and questions her about Andie and Sal. Nat reveals that Andie started sleeping with someone knew around the time of her death. Pip tries to get more information, but Nat tells Pip that she is digging up something big and warns her to be careful. 

After the match, Pip is walking home, but she is followed by Nat’s boyfriend or something. It’s the same guy who talked to Pip and warned her at the party. Nothing happens, but it’s super shady. 

Later, Pip goes on a hike in the woods with Ravi. They pretend to be Nat to question Emma, the girl who wouldn’t talk to Pip. Ravi sends a few texts and learns from Emma that there was, in fact, a mysterious older guy that Andie was seeing. They speculate about this older boyfriend, and they believe that it could be the reason why Sal killed Andie. It could also be that this person who Andie is seeing is who killed her and who killed Sal. 

Pip goes camping with Cara, Zach (Raiko Gohara), Connor (Jude Morgan-Collie), and Lauren (Yali Topol Morgalith) that night. They’re having fun, swimming, drinking, telling ghost stories, and more. They try to contact Andie beyond the grave before taking a little walk in the woods. They see someone stalking their campsite in the dark and through the trees. Pip chases them, but she stumbles. 

Lauren is convinced it was a serial killer. Pip thinks it’s a lost hiker, but she knows it was weird. That night, she climbs into her sleeping bag and finds a note addressed to her. It says “STOP DIGGING PIPPA.” Uh-oh. Someone knows what she’s doing, and just as Nat warned her, it’s getting dangerous. 

After dropping off Cara at home, Pippa sees Max (Henry Ashton) yelling at Naomi in his car. What could that be about? 

At home, Pippa finds another letter. None one is home, but luckily, it’s a letter from her mom telling her that they’re at the shops. Pippa is definitely freaked out after receiving the threatening letter. 

Pippa moves Nat onto the persons of interest list because she remembers that Nat also used “digging” in her warning to Pippa. While observing her pictures, she realizes that the man from the party, who was also in the car with Nat, is Nat’s brother, who is a police officer, Dan da Silva (Jackson Bews). Ravi comes over, and Pippa shares her latest theories. Ravi remembers him from the investigation. 

Ravi looks through Instagram and discovers that Nat stopped appearing in Andie’s pictures after Nat’s nude photos were shared around the school. Pippa shares her theory that Andie was the one who shared Nat’s nudes. 

Later, they catfish Nat as Emma and get her to meet up. Nat shows up, and they question her about Andie sharing her nudes. Nat tries to leave, but she does share that Andie fell in with a guy who was bad news. When Ravi asks who, she says Max Hastings, who lied to Pippa earlier and claimed that he never spoke to Andie in his life. 

Then, Pippa goes to Max Hasting’s house. She sneaks around his bedroom, and she finds a picture of Andie in lingerie, which is a weird thing for a person to have, especially someone who has never talked to Andie. He catches her, but he shares that Andie was a drug dealer for high school parties called “Calamity Parties.” That’s what she was caught up in just before her death. 

Pippa asks him how she can find this person who she was getting drugs from, and that’s how the episode ends! 

Up next is the third episode of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder! All six episodes of the first season are now available to stream right now.