Best Documentaries on Netflix Right Now (2020)

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Fed Up

Release Year: 2014

Directed by Stephanie Soechtig

I don’t know about you, but I love food documentaries. If you’re like me, Fed Up is a great movie to watch if you care about what you’re putting in your body and what could be causing obesity rates to skyrocket over the last few decades.

Fed Up primarily focuses on the sugar industry and how much sugar is included in our processed food. The film presents overwhelming proof that sugar is the problem for why America and other major countries in the world have such a problem with obesity and obesity-caused diseases.

Like, did you know sugar has lobbyists?  It’s ridiculous how far this problem has gone, and no one is really talking about. The film names a list of over 30 companies, politicians, and lobbyists who refused to comment on any of the scientific evidence presented in the film.

Fed Up premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival and was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the festival.

Next: My Beautiful Broken Brain