Tyler Perry's latest Netflix original has officially started streaming! His first series with the streamer, the soapy drama series Beauty in Black, made its premiere on Oct. 24 with the first eight-episode part of its 16-episode first season.
In the series, Taylor Pollidore Williams plays Kimmie, a woman working to make ends meet while getting swept up in a dangerous situation. Meanwhile, Crystle Stewart plays Mallory, who doesn't worry about having to make ends meet but still gets swept up into this situation as the women's lives intersect.
Before beginning your Beauty in Black binge-watch, you're probably wondering what to expect from the series in terms of its age rating. Is there any violence, nudity, or sex scenes? How graphic does the show get? Without revealing spoilers, here's what to know about the show's content!

Tyler Perry's Beauty in Black earns TV-MA rating
According to the show's official page on Netflix, Beauty in Black has been given a TV-MA rating, which means the series is only appropriate for mature audiences. The series earned this rating for the following categories: language, nudity, sex, smoking, and violence. Want more information on what to expect from each of these categories? Here's a spoiler-free explanation!
Sex and nudity
Beauty in Black features multiple scenes in strip clubs, as both male and females are dancing and as they are backstage getting ready in various states of undress. In the female dressing room, there are some instances of upper and rear nudity. In the male dressing room, the men are all shirtless and there are frequent instances of male rear nudity.
A sex scene in an early episode between a male and female features male rear nudity. When he maneuvers to step off of the bed, his genitals can be briefly seen between his legs from behind. The same character's pubic region can also be briefly seen when he later returns to the bed.
The series contains another sex scene between two male characters, which features only rear nudity. There's a sequence where a number of people are having sex in a parking lot, and a man drives through and watches. A scene finds a male stripper undressing and dancing for another man. His pubic region is briefly visible, and the scene only contains rear nudity.
Language and violence
As for language, the series definitely earns its TV-MA rating here. The profanity is heightened with "f-ck" and different variations of the word, like "motherf-cker," are often heard. Other explicit words that are used in the show include "b-tch," "wh-re," and more. The series contains frequent uses of a racial slur, so make sure not to watch the show around younger viewers.
Beauty in Black also has a fair amount of violence and violent imagery. One of the most intense instances of violence finds a character using a gun to kill multiple people. In addition, there are scenes featuring physical fights, a person getting hit by a car, a surgery gone wrong, and more examples of violence that some viewers might find disturbing.
Drugs and smoking
Throughout the series, there are a handful of instances of characters doing drugs and smoking. On a couple occasions, characters are shown either snorting cocaine or the drug being out for consumption. Multiple characters smoke cigarettes and weed, and many others are seen drinking liquor. In one scene, a character attempts to abuse prescription medication.
Watch Beauty in Black only on Netflix.