Where art thou, Bridgerton season 3? This is the question on everyone’s mind, and Netflix has yet to give the answer. While we initially thought we’d be seeing the new season by the end of 2023, it looks like we might be waiting a little bit longer, according to Bridgerton star Adjoa Andoh. She recently revealed in an interview that the third season will be “coming out next year [2024].” This is a huge bummer…
Although nothing has been confirmed yet, meaning that we could still possibly see Bridgerton season 3 before the end of the year, we’re not going to get our hopes up. Many times, when a show’s/movie’s star leaks any release information, it ends up being true, or there’s some truth to it.
So, while we patiently wait for the highly anticipated third season to arrive, we’ve decided to keep ourselves busy by ranking all of the show’s episodes from worst to best. Let us know what you think about our rankings below!
MAJOR spoilers from Bridgerton seasons 1 and 2 ahead!

16. Season 1, Episode 6
I know I might have some people disagree with me on this being the worst episode in the Bridgerton series. However, hear me out. While this episode might have the most steamiest scenes in the series thus far (Simon and Daphne have sexual relations several times throughout the episode), there’s one particular scene that just completely rubbed me the wrong way and ruined the entire episode for me. It happens close to the end of the episode, and it’s when Daphne basically sexually assaults Simon.
Daphne really wanted to have a baby, but Simon was insistent on not having one, even making up a lie that he “couldn’t have a child.” The truth is that Simon didn’t want kids because of a vow he made in the past to his cruel father. The vow was that he’d never marry and have kids so that he couldn’t continue the Hastings bloodline. So, it’s not that he couldn’t have kids. He just didn’t want to have any.
When Daphne finds out that he has been lying to her, she takes matters into her own hands in the worst way possible. She pins Simon down while they’re having sex and forces him to ejaculate inside her. Honestly, discussing this scene just made me uncomfortable all over again.
While I do understand where the writers were trying to go with the story, I feel like there was a better way to do it. Scenes showing sexual assault are always touchy. Since it happens in the books, the writers decided to keep it in for the show. However, I think they could’ve left it out and figured out another way to tell the story. For example, Daphne could’ve confronted Simon and talked about the issue instead of what she actually did. Overall, I’d say it wasn’t the most disturbing scene I’ve ever watched, but it’s definitely up there.