One of Netflix’s upcoming releases in November is the action-comedy series Obliterated. It’s a show created by Cobra Kai creators Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald. The creative trio also serves as executive producers and showrunners through their Counterbalance Entertainment production banner. In addition, Dina Hillier joins as an executive producer with Sony Pictures Television as the production company behind the series.
It’s an eight-part series following an elite special forces team, who after deactivating a bomb, believe they stopped a deadly threat from hitting Las Vegas. They then commence to having a wild night out, filled with booze, drugs, and sex to celebrate a mission complete. Well, at least that’s what they thought. They soon discover that the bomb they deactivated was actually fake and that a real bomb is still out there. If the now intoxicated team doesn’t find the real bomb and deactivate it within the short window of time, the entire city of Las Vegas will be wiped out.
Two of the main characters are Chad McKnight, a Navy SEAL, and Ava Winters, a CIA agent. Nick Zano from DC’s Legends of Tomorrow stars as Chad, while Teen Wolf star Shelley Hennig plays the role of Ava. Terrence Terrell, Alyson Gorske, C. Thomas Howell, Eugene Kim, Paola Lázaro, Kimi Rutledge, and many others also star in the action-comedy.
You can expect Obliterated to land on Netflix on Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023. Make sure to save the date!