What happened to Ethan in Never Have I Ever season 4?

Never Have I Ever. Michael Cimino as Ethan in episode 402 of Never Have I Ever. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023
Never Have I Ever. Michael Cimino as Ethan in episode 402 of Never Have I Ever. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2023 /

Never Have I Ever season 4 has finally been released on Netflix, and everyone’s watching it to see how the teen series comes to a close. This season, several new characters are introduced, but there’s one new character in particular who makes a lasting impression on Devi. That character is Ethan Morales (Michael Cimino).

Spoilers ahead from Never Have I Ever season 4. 

Ethan Morales is a senior at Sherman Oaks High. Apparently, he’s been a student at the high school but had a significant transformation in his physical appearance over the summer, turning him into Sherman Oaks High newest heartthrob.

While Ethan initially catches the attention of a newly single Eleanor, Devi eventually becomes interested in him after he comes on to her. But she doesn’t want to betray Eleanor, so she tries to fight off the attraction. However, she ends up giving in and kisses him at his party. Of course, Eleanor isn’t happy when she finds out, but to save their friendship, they both decide to stay away from Ethan. This doesn’t last long with both of them unable to stay away from the skater.

They talk about it later, and Eleanor basically gives Devi permission to date Ethan. Later, Devi and Ethan talk about their feelings for one another, kiss, and officially become boyfriend and girlfriend. But their honeymoon phase doesn’t last long.

What happened to Ethan in Never Have I Ever season 4?

Once Devi and Ethan officially start dating, they begin sleeping together and making out all around Sherman Oaks High. But Devi’s friends and Ms. Warner (Alexandra Billings) warn Devi about being with Ethan. Ms. Warren expresses her concerns about Ethan to Devi. She tells Devi she doesn’t want Ethan and his bad-boy ways to drag her down. However, Devi assures Ms. Warner that she has everything under control. She even tells Eleanor and Fabiola that Ethan is just misunderstood.

Devi continues to ignore all the signs that Ethan isn’t good for her because she wants to be with him. But once Ethan almost jeopardizes Devi’s chance at getting into Princeton by stealing the wallet of the Princeton admissions rep, she knows that she can’t be with him anymore. She breaks up with Ethan in the janitor’s closet at Sherman Oaks High. After the breakup scene, we don’t see Ethan again in the teen series.

Since Ethan doesn’t appear in the show again, I guess the reason why the writers wrote him into the scripts was so that he could be a distraction for Devi. Or, they just wanted Devi to have another short-lived romance. Although we don’t see Ethan again after the breakup scene, he’s most likely going around Sherman Oaks High, still committing crimes like keying teachers’ cars and slashing tires.

Never Have I Ever season 4 is streaming on Netflix.

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