Shadow and Bone season 2 recap
Shadow and Bone season 2 is now streaming on Netflix. The new season premiered on Netflix on Thursday, March 16, 2023, and we have a full recap guide for the new season.
It’s been a long time since the first season of Shadow and Bone premiered on Netflix. You might need a little refresh on what happened at the end and where these great characters are.
Jessie Mei Li, Archie Renaux, Freddy Carter, Amita Suman, Kit Young, Ben Barnes, Daisy Head, Danielle Galligan, Calahan Skogman, Sujaya Dasgupta, and Zoë Wanamaker are all back for season 2. There are also a few important new cast members in the mix: Lewis Tan, Patrick Gibson, Anna Leong Brophy, and Jack Wolfe.
Let’s get the Shadow and Bone season 2 recap started with the first episode, “No Shelter But Me.” Spoilers for season 2 to follow.
Shadow and Bone season 2 episode 1 recap: “No Shelter But Me”

We’re back with Alina and Mal, and the story picks up almost immediately after they left. The Fold has expanded, and Alina has seen it in a dream. What she doesn’t realize until she’s trying to get past immigration at Noyvi Zem is that it’s all real. It really happened. More people are dead and displaced at the hands of the Darkling, but the question is how? Mal and Alina hope that the Darkling is dead, but we all know that isn’t so.
Mal is ready to leave Ravka behind and move on. Before they get off the boat, Mal says, “There’s so much to do,” and Alina literally turns around looks back toward Ravka and says “Yeah, there is.” She knows her future is back in Ravka, but Mal doesn’t know it yet.
In Ketterdam, Kaz and Jesper are arrested for a murder they didn’t commit. They were framed by Pekka Rollins, but they spend some time with Dreesen, who they double-crossed by not returning to Ketterdam with Alina Starkov. Kaz knows it wasn’t Dreesen’s money, and it was someone else, and that person is revealed to be Sturmhond, a Privateer who wanted Alina for his own gain, or so he makes it seem. They give details of Alina’s location, and Sturmhond and his crew, Tolya and Tamar, are on the case.
Mal and Alina try to settle into life in Noyvi Zem, but this is a temporary trip. Alina and Mal are some of the most wanted people in the world, and it’s not long before they are recognized. Alina starts looking for the Sea Whip, the second of Morozova’s amplifiers.
Mal and Alina are recognized by members of the Ravkan First Army, and there’s an epic chase sequence. Alina is forced to use her powers to get them out, and that draws the attention of basically everyone. They are protected by Zemeni citizens, and they later pay for passage on Sturmhond’s ship.
At end of the episode, the Darkling and his Shadow Monsters, also known as nichevo’ya, save Genya from the First Army, who is rounding up and killing Grisha.
Oh, and the Crows basically declare war on the Dime Lions and Pekka Rollins. With the help of Wylan, the new guy, and Nina, the Heartrender, Kaz blows up the Crow Club, which had been commandeered by Pekka Rollins. Bold strategy, we’ll see if it pays off for him, Cotton.
After their ship leaves Noyvi Zem, Sturmhond reveals that he knows who Mal and Alina are, and they are basically being held captive.