Netflix Resident Evil episode 8 recap: Revelations
Did you catch a glimpse of that giant, mutant alligator trailing behind The University ship in the previous episode of Resident Evil? Well in the Resident Evil finale… we’ll get to see that thing in action. Resident Evil episode 8 opens with a flashback to 2030 where Jade and Amrita were experimenting on ECT pulses on a lizard. It’s a glimpse of what she eventually does to the alligator to turn it into a monstrous weapon.
With the zombies attacking, Billie punches Jade and retreats into the tent where Evelyn is struggling to fight the mind control. She tells Billie that she needs her. What is she without her? Meanwhile, Jade escapes from the island and boards the ship just in time to escape. She, Arjun and the University leader Sakim agree to unleash the alligator.
I’m sorry but I was yelling at Jade at this point. She told Bea to leave! Then she forgot! Now they’re leaving and releasing a gigantic mutant alligator without checking to see if Bea is on the boat! You’d have thought Jade would have learned her lesson after the zombie/Amrita incident, but no. And of course, you already know what happens. They unleash the beast and leave just as Jade realizes Bea took her go-bag and left toward the island…where a massive monster is now headed.
Back on the island, Billie defends herself from the horde using drones, killing several Umbrella employees in the process, seemingly without care. But as soon as she manages to defeat the zeroes, in comes the giant alligator. She throws a grenade at it and with some help from the helicopters, they spook the gator back into the water.
As soon as Arjun and Jade realize Bea went to the island, they take a raft back. And now that the alligator is in the water again, you can guess things go south. Its tail hits the boat and sends it crashing into the shore with Arjun sustaining a severe injury. Jade has to leave him behind as she goes after Bea.
But the mutant gator isn’t done yet as it returns to the island charges at Bea. Except instead of killing her, it suddenly turns docile, even letting her touch it! Clearly there is something special about Bea between this and her amazing piano skills. Just as Bea reaches out to pet him, Umbrella helicopters shoot to kill and the gator is officially dead.
Jade arrives and reunites with her daughter moments later, and Billie catches up to her. Jade tries to protect Bea by whipping out a gun. She says that ever since that night, the night Billie got bit, she’s been heartless. “That was the night I lost my sister.” Billie says that’s not true. That’s what Jade never understood. The T stripped away all of her “bullsh*t,” fear and anxiety.
“It didn’t make me somebody else. It let me be who I always was.” Billie even claims that night was the best night of her life. Despite everything, Jade can’t bring herself to shoot Billie. Unfortunately, Billie can shoot Jade and she does. Then she takes Bea since she says she doesn’t “need” Jade anymore and she saw what happened with the alligator, so she knows Bea is special.
Billie takes off in her helicopter with Bea and leaves Jade behind on the island. Based on the look Jade gives at the end of the episode, I think we can safely assume that Jade is about to move mountains to get her daughter back and nothing will stand in her way. We better get a second season!
In 2022, Roth brings Jade and Billie home so they can grab their things, demanding they take no more than five minutes inside. They grab the secret go bag and escape out the window, but Roth catches up to them before they can escape. Umbrella kidnaps Billie, but Jade manages to escape (with Pablo, their dog, of course). She runs to Simon’s house and his drugged up mom, Diana, takes care of Pablo while Jade convinces Simon to help her break into Umbrella to rescue her sister.
At Umbrella, Evelyn has a “special” project for Bert, now that she has Albert imprisoned somewhere. She promises him that if he does a good job, she’ll give him a new life and lies about the status of Albert and the girls, claiming they’re all safe and happy somewhere else. Evelyn’s secret looks like it might be William Birkin in the first phase of his G-Virus mutation. She shows Albert a room with a giant tank of water, a mutated person inside with claws where his fingertips should be.
Billie comes face-to-face with Evelyn on her own and we start to see the beginnings of the relationship we’ll later witness in 2036. Evelyn offers to help Billie since Billie is still sick. She might not be “turning,” but she’s still having hallucinations and side effects from the T-Virus. Something is wrong with her and Evelyn is the only one who might be able to understand it.
They draw some of her blood and Evelyn’s scientist says the T-Virus might still be viable, it’s detected in her cells, but no mutations have occurred. It’s an oddity. She tells him to find out if the virus is viable for sure. “Get creative.” Translation: do whatever you have to do to Billie. Understandably, she freaks out when he goes to inject her with something.
Evelyn is interrupted by a phone call from an enraged Simon. He knows about the pills and tells Evelyn to tell him what’s going on. First, Evelyn tries to cover up by claiming she and Diana made an agreement for her to take the drugs, but Simon calls her out. Evelyn admits that Diana wanted to leave and take Simon, hence why she started drugging her. Yikes. She starts ranting about how Umbrella was stolen from his grandfather (James Marcus) and she’s doing everything she can to reclaim it, claiming she’s doing all of this for him.
There’s an interesting parallel here between Evelyn and Albert and the lengths they go to for their kids, but how much of that is true and how much is a lie they tell themselves to pacify any guilt they feel for all the evil stuff they do at Umbrella?
After the scientist injects Billie with something, she starts freaking out and having even worse hallucinations. Evelyn tries to calm her down by Billie enters a rage state and attacks her. She tries to run out of the facility and runs into Bert, who manages to calm her down. He convinces her to help him save Albert.
Billie has no desire to help her dad, but he tells her to reconsider. Albert loves her, it might be a messed up kind of love, but he does. And if they leave him behind, only bad things will happen to him. Despite everything, Billie agrees to help.
Around that time, Jade and Simon arrive and find Albert. Billie and Bert stumble into the room seconds later. Awkward family reunion time. The group tries to escape before anything else can happen or the facility can go into lockdown.
Evelyn becomes unhinged and goes after them all. All the insanity triggers Billie into a rage state again and she freaks out, biting Simon. Uh-oh. Once Evelyn finds out her son has been bitten, she shoots him the head point-blank. Jade is the most shocked out of all them all.
Bert and Albert rush the girls into another room where the clones make a bomb. Albert opts to remain behind to trigger it, telling Bert to take the girls and take them somewhere safe. Albert says his goodbyes to his daughters, telling them he loves them. He gives Jade a piece of paper with a name and info it, telling her to find the woman listed for help.
Seconds after Bert, Jade and Billie escape, Evelyn arrives, shooting off Albert’s hand and blathering about how she had to save Simon from becoming a monster and how she wanted to change the world. Albert sets off the bomb, but we know Evelyn escapes. Sadly, it looks like Albert dies. So when future Billie tells Jade that their “dad” died asking for her, it must be Bert she’s referring to. Also, the bomb unleashes the mutant Birkin or whatever that thing is, so that’ll be fun with deal with next season.
Outside, Billie tries to reach out to Jade, but Jade is resilient. Billie biting Simon and causing his death is definitely going to be one of the many dominoes that triggers their eventual fallout.
In the final moments of the Resident Evil season 1 finale, Bert drives Billie and Jade out of New Raccoon City. While Billie sleeps, Jade looks at the paper her dad gave her, the name written on it is… Ada Wong, with an address pointing her toward Japan! It looks like this is how Jade eventually ends up in Tokyo.