Who does Euphoria star Javon “Wanna” Walton play in The Umbrella Academy season 3?

The Umbrella Academy. Javon 'Wanna' Walton as Stan in The Umbrella Academy. Cr. Christos Kalohoridis/Netflix © 2022
The Umbrella Academy. Javon 'Wanna' Walton as Stan in The Umbrella Academy. Cr. Christos Kalohoridis/Netflix © 2022 /

The Umbrella Academy season 3 is now streaming on Netflix and people have questions regarding one of this season’s newest stars. People want to know who Euphoria star Javon Walton portrays in the new season. That’s no problem for us! We answered this question right below.

Everyone knows Javon “Wanna” Walton as Ashtray from the hit HBO Max Original Series Euphoria. Ashtray quickly became a fan favorite and people were saddened by the character’s fate in the latest season of the teen drama series.

Fortunately, we didn’t have to stay sad for long because news broke in March that Javon would be starring in the upcoming season of the popular Netflix original series The Umbrella Academy. At the time, Javon’s character details weren’t revealed, but there were rumors swirling that he would be playing a character named Stan.

Now that The Umbrella Academy season 3 is finally out, we know exactly who Javon plays in the superhero series. So if you’re curious about who Javon Walton portrays in the latest season of The Umbrella Academy, all you have to do is continue reading.

Spoilers from The Umbrella Academy season 3 ahead!

Who does Javon “Wanna” Walton play in The Umbrella Academy season 3?

We’re introduced to Javon’s character in episode 1 of season 3. Lila shows up at Hotel Obsidian to meet up with Diego. She tells Diego that she’s not there to be with him, but instead to drop off their son, Stanley a.k.a Stan (Javon Walton). Of course, Diego is shocked by this news but he isn’t given time to process it because Lila immediately leaves.

Throughout the season, we see Diego struggle to be a first-time father while also trying to figure out how to save the world from a time paradox called a Kugelblitz. But in episode 6, we find out that Diego is not actually Stan’s father. Stan is Lila’s friend’s kid. Her friend went on vacation and left Stan with Lila, so Lila decided to take him with her so he won’t be bored. Lila lies and tells Diego that Stan is his kid to see how he would be as a father.

So there you have it, folks! Stan is not related to Diego or Lila. He’s just a kid who got caught up in Diego and Lila’s mess.

The Umbrella Academy season 3 is streaming now only on Netflix.

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