The day has come, everyone! Ozark has officially concluded as the final seven episodes hit Netflix in the early hours this morning. The addicting crime drama started back in 2019, following the Byrde family as they get involved in money laundering and have to move to the Lake of the Ozarks in order to keep their business moving and to stay alive. Arrested Development alum Jason Bateman stars as protagonist Marty Byrde, with The Big C star Laura Linney portraying his wife, Wendy Byrde. The series has received critical acclaim and multiple Emmy Awards since its premiere.
Spoilers ahead for Ozark season 4.
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode guide
The final season of Ozark was split into two parts, with the first premiering on Netflix at the end of Jan. 2022 and the second coming out today, April 29. Part 1 ended on a major cliffhanger as Ruth Langmore (Julia Garner) discovered her cousin Wyatt (Charlie Tahan) and his wife Darlene Snell (Lisa Emery) shot and killed in their home, and was determined to find the man who did it. Of course, it was Mexican cartel boss Omar Navarro’s (Felix Solis) nephew Javi Elizondro (Alfonso Herrera), who proved himself to be super reckless in season 4 part 1.
We’re now breaking down Ozark season 4 part 2, explaining major moments and answering your burning questions. Read on for our recap and review guide!
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode 1 recap: “The Cousin of Death”

With the way Ozark season 4 part 1 ends, it’s not surprising that Ruth is on a mission for vengeance when part 2 opens up. She goes to see Jonah (Skylar Gaertner) to get some answers, and it’s actually Charlotte (Sofia Hublitz) who tells her that Javi killed Wyatt and Darlene. She tells Ruth that he’s going to be meeting Wendy and Marty in Chicago the next day, and so that’s where Ruth decides to go, too.
Wendy gets frustrated with Marty for not telling Javi about Ruth when he speaks to him on the phone, but Marty doesn’t think Ruth is a real threat. Nervous, Wendy goes to see Ruth and tries to convince her not to kill Javi. Though Ruth seems to agree with Wendy, it’s just to get her off her back. No one can talk her out of her plan.
We get to focus a lot more on Ruth this episode, which I personally love. She’s the best character in this show and season 4 part 1 did not give her enough major plot points. Before she drives to Chicago, she stops by Frank Jr.’s (Joseph Sikora) place and tells him of her plan. He gives her a gun and tells her to come back to see him for a drink when she’s done. Ruth bumps her ’90s hip hop on her drive and we get to watch a daydream she has of her walking up to Javi in the broad daylight and shooting him repeatedly. Fans might remember that scene from the trailer, which ends up not being real.
When she’s in Chicago, Ruth speaks with Three (Carson Holmes) on the phone and he’s pretty disappointed in her. She’s certainly struggling with her decision, and it’s not until she watches Marty and Wendy start to thrive does she realize what she has to do. After a phone conversation with Marty, Ruth considers going back home. But when she sees the couple make more deals and plan out their new life, she feels really angry. They’ve taken so much from her and they still keep succeeding somehow, planning a lavish life that she and Wyatt had wanted.
For Javi’s part, he continues to scheme in Chicago and tries to make a deal with a businessman named Barton. After Barton suggests that Javi make his donation anonymously, Javi becomes furious and physically attacks him in the restaurant bathroom. It’s such an intense scene and further proves that Javi won’t stop until he gets what he wants, even if that means injuring and killing people in his way.
Ruth shows up to a dinner between the Byrdes and Clare Shaw (Katrina Lenk) in Chicago, where her plan to kill Javi is set in motion.
Does Ruth kill Javi in Ozark season 4 part 2?
It’s wild that a big death like this happens in the first episode, but yes, Ruth does kill Javi in Ozark season 4 part 2. It must be such a satisfying feeling at first, but Ruth quickly realizes nothing she’ll ever do could bring Wyatt back. It’s so heartbreaking.
At the dinner with Clare and the Byrdes, Ruth makes them call up Javi and tell him to come to Clare’s office where they’ll all meet to talk about the deal he wanted. While waiting for him, Ruth tells Clare how terrible Wendy and Marty are, and she seems to actually listen. Javi walks in and before he can say much, Ruth shoots him repeatedly and kills him.
This episode is one of the best of season 4 part 2 as it gives Ruth the focus and increases the stakes for the Byrdes. The first part of season 1 really dragged for me, and this episode is what I needed to keep going. Ruth is one of the best characters in Netflix history, and the premiere of part 2 is a really strong one because of her and because of Garner’s performance.
Grade: A
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode 2 recap: “Pick a God and Pray”

Episode 2 opens up with Marty and Wendy reeling from Javi’s death, with Wendy blaming Marty for not stopping Ruth. She tells him she chooses everyone over their family, to which Marty says he didn’t know Ruth would actually kill Javi. He’s sick of having blood on his hands and feels terrible for Ruth, while Wendy feels the complete opposite. She tells Marty that he’s the one who suggested they get into this lifestyle and she doesn’t want to leave it behind.
Mel Sattem (Adam Rothenberg) is still on the case trying to find Helen Pierce (Janet McTeer), and he goes to see Helen’s husband to tell him that he thinks she was killed. He explains that Helen was working in the drug cartel which her husband had no idea about. Helen’s daughter Erin (Madison Thompson) comes in and because of what she knows, she says she and her father don’t need to find out any more information for their own safety. Mel later gets a call from an unknown person asking to come to the Ozarks.
Wendy and Marty arrive back home, where Charlotte admits she’s the one who told Ruth where Javi was. They talk to Agent Clay (Tess Malis Kincaid) on the phone, who after finding out about Javi’s death tells them they’re right back where they started. She offers them witness protection if they agree to testify against Omar, which they don’t want. Wendy suggests they should extradite Omar back to Mexico, which, surprisingly, Clay agrees to, though she says it’ll be difficult.
Clare is confronted by people working for Javi, and she denies that she’s seen him. They tell her they’re going to stay in town until they find him, and the confrontation leaves Clare incredibly shaken, understandably.
Back at home, Ruth is reunited with baby Zeke and we see her throw her gun in the water to dispose of the evidence. She gives Zeke up to the police station and finally gives a statement about Darlene and Wyatt. She doesn’t give up any real information, however, and she’s told she looks like a suspect because of it.
Does Omar find out who killed Javi in Ozark?
Wendy goes to visit Omar in jail, breaking the news that the FBI thinks Javi disappeared and is likely dead. She denies knowing who did it, which angers Omar, and he even threatens to have her whole family killed. Omar never finds out who killed Javi. Wendy brings up the potential extradition, but he’s still really mad. Despite this, Wendy lies to Agent Clay and to Marty, saying that Omar is interested.
Wendy’s dad Nathan (Richard Thomas) gives Jonah a visit, telling him he’s still looking for Ben (Tom Pelphrey). He starts working with Mel and we realize he’s the mysterious caller who asked him to come to the Ozarks. Now that Maya (Jessica Frances Dukes) doesn’t work with the Byrdes anymore, she starts spending time with Mel who asks her for her help with the search for Ben.
The Byrdes meet with Omar in prison again, where Omar says he can’t run his operation from jail now that Javi’s gone. Marty volunteers to go to Mexico to reestablish Omar’s control, to which Omar agrees but suggests Marty tell everyone that Omar was the one to order the hit on Javi.
Clare shows up at Ruth’s and tells her she has security footage of her killing Javi. Ruth is unfazed, however, and threatens her with a shotgun. Clare assures Ruth she wants to make a deal with her and doesn’t want to blackmail her, which seems to interest Ruth. At the episode’s end, we see Marty depart for Mexico.
Coming off such a strong premiere, the second episode of season 4 part 2 does feel a bit disappointing as the momentum starts to slow down. That said, it’s still an enjoyable entry in the season.
Grade: B
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode 3 recap: “You’re the Boss”

It’s the moment fans have been waiting for — Ben returns! With a highly-anticipated flashback scene, we get to watch Ben’s death scene in the beginning of part 2 episode 3. It’s incredibly eerie knowing what’s about to happen on our screens as Ben is confronted by the Navarro hitman Nelson (Nelson Bonilla) and forced to get into his car by gunpoint.
Of course, we know Ben is going to die, but that doesn’t make it any less intense. While in the car, Ben starts talking about Wendy and how he forgives her for this decision. The two men get out of the car when they arrive at their destination and Ben utters his final words — “this is all a dream” — before Nelson shoots and kills him.
Flash-forward to present-day, and we see Marty arriving in Mexico. He talks to everyone, sending the message from Omar that Javi was a traitor and was working with the United States government and explaining that Omar will run the place again once Marty gets him out of prison. Omar wants Marty to meet individually with each person to check in with the books and make sure everything is in order. Marty also talks with Javi’s mother Camila (Veronica Falcón), who admits she knew the day would come where Javi would get killed.
Back in the Ozarks, Wendy goes to see Ruth to give her “advice,” asking her to partner with her and Marty again. Ruth, of course, refuses, and Wendy decides to take matters into her own hands. She goes to the police station and talks to the acting Sheriff, Deputy Ronnie Wycoff (Brad Carter), about Ruth. This ultimately doesn’t really go anywhere, however, as when Wycoff shows up at the motel to question Ruth and Jonah, Nathan sends him away.
Wendy pays a visit to Jim (Damian Young), who tells her he could’ve been killed and doesn’t want to work with her anymore. Wendy tries to calm Jim down by telling him Omar had Javi killed, and asks him to find more donors for the upcoming fundraiser at the casino. She’s got real persuasion skills, doesn’t she?
Ruth goes to see Frank Jr., who’s happy to see her back in one piece after killing Javi. She lets him know she’s going to start moving Darlene’s heroin, and to her surprise, Frank Jr. calls her a “Darlene Snell wannabe.” Understandably, she doesn’t like that comparison.
Someone sends a hit on Omar in prison and an inmate tries to kill him, but Omar ends up getting the upper hand and strangles him. This leaves Omar in a coma, while back in Mexico Marty discovers discrepancies in the payroll. Marty confronts one of the men, Arturo Cabrera (Reinaldo Faberlle), who he thinks is screwing over Omar. He has Arturo tortured, demanding him to admit he’s the one who sent the hit on Omar. Eventually, Arturo admits he was messing with the books but maintains he did not send the hit. Despite this, Marty has him shot.
The change of scenery with Marty down in Mexico does this episode a favor. He’s starting to (at least try to) think and act like Omar, which may or may not work out in the end. The flashback of Ben frames the episode differently and grabbed my attention right away.
Grade: B+
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode 4 recap: “Pound of Flesh and Still Kickin'”

Ruth’s on the go in part 2 episode 4, as we see her on the plane enjoying some luxury on her way to Miami, Florida. She’s there to visit Rachel Garrison (Jordana Spiro), who makes a return this season. She’s there to run a business proposition by her, which certainly makes Rachel (and us watching) very interested.
Marty comes back home and has a delayed realization — it was Javi’s mother Camila who ordered the hit on Omar, not Arturo. Feeling awful, he’s surprised when Ruth calls up Charlotte and asks to arrange a meeting. At the Missouri Belle, Ruth shows up with Rachel and tells the Byrdes they want to buy the casino. After selling Darlene’s heroin, Ruth has money she wants to invest but because of her criminal record, Rachel will serve as a partner and put her name on everything. Expectedly, Wendy is wholeheartedly against this and informs Rachel that Ruth killed Javi.
Unfortunately for Ruth, this makes Rachel back out of the deal, while Marty tells Wendy he wants to consider Ruth’s offer.
Does Omar die in Ozark season 4 part 2?
Omar wakes up from his coma in part 2 episode 4, which means he does not die. Unsurprisingly, he wants to speak to Marty right away, while the FBI tells Marty that if Omar doesn’t make a full recovery he could be the new cartel boss. Marty dismisses this and says Omar will be fine.
In a surprise move, Marty arrives home to see Camila sitting with Wendy. Wendy reveals that she invited her out to the Ozarks and wants her to come with them to Chicago to figure out the stocks Clare said she’d give to her and Javi. Understandably, Marty looks shaken up as it’s a really risky move on Wendy’s part. When they show up at Shaw Medical, Clare tells them she doesn’t owe them anything. It doesn’t take much for Camila to get to Clare, though, who demands a five-year deal and a $150 million donation to the Byrde Foundation. She basically scares her into agreeing.
While Rachel’s back home in the Ozarks, she goes to see Tuck (Evan George Vourazeris) and is shocked to hear that he wasn’t working at the Blue Cat anymore. She calls up Marty to yell at him, and the whole thing seems to be a driving reason for her to stay. She later comes by Ruth’s and agrees to fight for the casino only if Ruth promises to be honest with her moving forward. Rachel realizes that because Darlene had a stake in the Belle, maybe Ruth got some of that when she and Wyatt passed.
Rachel and Ruth go to see a lawyer, who tells them that because Ruth was Wyatt’s legal guardian, she does have claim to half, if not all, of Darlene’s stake, but it’s up to the state’s gambling commission when it comes to the casino. Jonah later suggests going to see Charles Wilkes (Darren Goldstein), advising them to say the meeting is for Mike Fleming.
Wendy and Marty arrive back home to Mel and Nathan with photos of Ben and Wendy two days after Ben was released from the mental facility, proving that Wendy had been untruthful with her story. She makes a fake confession and claims she told Ben she’d drive him to Memphis to stay with some friends, saying that he’s running away. Nathan doesn’t understand why Wendy wouldn’t have told them that if that was the truth.
During a heart to heart moment, Marty confides in Charlotte and says that Wendy is driving them off a cliff, explaining everything that’s been going on. It finally feels like Marty has really reached his breaking point with Wendy, and yet he continues to do whatever she says.
Ruth and Rachel arrive at Charles Wilkes’ place, who’s surprised to see two women he doesn’t know at his door.
Marty and Wendy go to visit Omar in prison with Camila, deciding that Camila will take charge of the cartel for now. While driving home afterward in traffic, Marty gets unreasonably mad at another driver, and the fight gets physical. The other driver calls Wendy a “b***h” and Marty attacks him. Did I say Marty is reaching his breaking point with Wendy? No, he’s reached his breaking point period.
Things are looking up for Ruth, which is awesome to see. I also love how Rachel makes her return and is someone Ruth can trust. But beyond that, Marty and Wendy have gone from annoying to insufferable and it’s painful to realize they’re only going to get worse from here.
Grade: B-
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode 5 recap: “Trouble in the Water”

Charlotte and Jonah have to go bail Marty and Wendy out of jail after their traffic altercation and the two talk about everything going on during their car ride over there. They’ve dealt with so much at such a young age, sometimes it’s easy to forget they’re both still kids. Marty and Wendy are unraveling at the seams but they’re desperate to make things work for themselves.
At home, Wendy tells Marty she’d understand if he wants to leave her after this is all over. She says that’s not what she wants, but it would make sense to her. As a viewer, I definitely think they’re better off divorcing, but I don’t think Marty is that strong.
Mel is making some progress on the Ben case, telling Nathan he thinks he was killed by the Mexican cartel. He explains that Wendy and Marty were investigated by the FBI for money laundering, which starts to put the pieces together for Nathan.
We get to see more of Ruth and Rachel’s conversation with Charles Wilkes, who agrees to give them his stake of the Belle just to get back at the Byrdes. He also tells Ruth he could get her record expunged if that’s what she wanted. Of course, this would be an absolute game-changer for Ruth, who Rachel calls a redneck success story. Charles helps set the ladies up with a Judge Mayhew for a meeting.
Nathan decides he’s giving up on Ben once he realizes what might’ve happened to him, and asks Charlotte and Jonah to go back with him to North Carolina. Nathan gets a petition for the kids to live with him, and goes over to Wendy’s to try and get her to sign it. Unsurprisingly, she slams the door in his face and tells him to leave. When Wendy and Marty ask the kids what they want, it seems like Charlotte would want to go with her grandfather just to keep everyone safer.
Ruth meets with Judge Mayhew, who asks her questions about her family and why she should clean her record. She agrees to do some digging into her background and says she’ll do a drop-in visit later on to talk more.
The sheriff comes by to let Ruth know they arrested a man who they believe murdered Wyatt, though we all know that’s not the case. He shows her that the guy had Wyatt’s guitar which visibly alarms Ruth.
Wendy and Marty continue scheming and go to see Randall Schafer (Bruce Davison) to ask for a favor. They want to get Mel back on the Chicago PD, but when Schafer asks them to help commit election fraud in return, they refuse. The reason they want Mel back on the police force is so he stops working with Nathan on the search for Ben, especially with a court date coming up regarding Charlotte and Jonah. Schafer then tells them they have to choose between Mel getting back on the police force or getting Omar off the SDN list. Jim gives Wendy and Marty advice, saying he can try and find someone to help with Omar so Schafer can take care of Mel.
What is an SDN list?
“SDN” stands for Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons. It’s a United States government list that includes international criminals, terrorists, and others who are seen as a threat to national security. In order for Omar to be extradited back to Mexico, he needs to get off the list. To learn more about the SDN list, head on over to the U.S. Department of the Treasury website.
The Byrdes then meet with someone named Dicicco who’s doing Schafer a favor, though he doesn’t seem too happy about bringing Mel back to the Chicago PD. However, he changes his tune once Wendy says they’ll make a donation to the police union.
Does Ruth get her record expunged?
Judge Mayhew comes to visit Ruth, and Ruth promises she’ll do whatever she can to stay clean if her record is expunged. Though Mayhew is hesitant to trust Ruth, she seemingly has a soft spot for her and wants to help her. Fortunately, she does decide to clean her record! This is a huge moment for Ruth.
Wendy and Marty go to meet with Mel and let him know he’s able to be a cop again. Of course, he’s mad about how it all went down, though Wendy tries to convince him that there’s nothing else to find out about Ben. Mel considers the offer while on the phone with someone as he watches Sam (Kevin L. Johnson) get baptized at the motel.
Ruth goes to talk to Jonah and tells him she got her record clean while also giving him Ben’s ashes. After that, she visits the man who was arrested for Wyatt’s murder, asking why he stole the guitar. Unsurprisingly, he wanted money for drugs, which seems like a disappointing answer to Ruth.
Wendy and Marty meet with Omar and Camila, who ask about the SDN list. They also tell them they need to start laundering more money, as they need it in Mexico in preparation for Omar’s extradition. Omar demands he gets off the SDN list in days time, though Wendy says it could take months.
Mel doesn’t show up at the courthouse and ignores all of Nathan’s calls, leaving the judge to make a decision. Because Charlotte is almost 18 and because Jonah has been living in a motel, the judge comes to the conclusion that they can decide for themselves whether or not they want to go live with their grandfather in North Carolina.
While leaving the courthouse, the kids decide they’re going to North Carolina and Wendy begs Nathan to let her keep them, causing a major scene. Despite her carrying on, he holds his own and leaves. When Wendy gets into the car, she bangs her head aggressively against the window, causing blood to start pouring down her face.
Though I’m happy for Ruth as she starts to turn her life around, the season gets super repetitive by episode 5. So much of Ozark is Wendy and Marty scheming to get what they want, an obstacle getting into their way, and them going to their plan B or plan C. Now that we’re in the final stretch of the show here, this formula is boring. The ending of episode 5 is its saving grace, however, with Laura Linney giving a great performance as Wendy becomes more and more unhinged.
Grade: C
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode 6 recap: “Mud”

Ruth is living the good life as things start to pick up in part 2 episode 6. She’s got a construction team tearing down her home and rebuilding her property to make it a place she truly deserves. On the flip side, Wendy is further spiraling with a huge, swollen bruise on her forehead from hitting it on her car window, and a big storm is coming. A literal storm I mean; that’s what the radio host keeps warning listeners.
In a surprising move, Wendy goes to the mental health care center and tries to get herself admitted. Unfortunately for her, she’s told that there are too many patients and is sent on her way, with the receptionist suggesting she go see a therapist.
It’s a total badass takeover at the Missouri Belle, as Marty arrives and sees Ruth and Rachel claiming their territory. The casino now has Ruth’s name on it, and she tells Marty he’ll just have to launder money somewhere else. Of course, this poses a huge problem for the Byrdes because Omar only wants the money laundered at the Belle.
Marty calls Wendy and she’s completely off the rails, leaving him to go visit Omar in prison without her. Omar and Camila are mad, understandably, but things start to look up for the Byrdes when Jim calls and says he got Mary Schuler on their side. Wendy goes to see Nathan and tries to pay him off, demanding that he doesn’t take the children. She verbally attacks him and says she will kill him if he tries to leave with Charlotte and Jonah.
If it wasn’t evident before, the only reason Wendy wants the kids to stay with them is to protect their reputation, as she proves when she literally tells Marty that “image is everything.” With that, Marty goes to try and convince Charlotte and Jonah to stay.
Wendy continues to fight for control over the Belle, confronting Rachel and informing her that what she’s doing is dangerous. Rachel doesn’t want to hear it, which only provokes Wendy further. She gets Nelson to go threaten Rachel with a gun, and when Rachel confronts Marty about it he says he had no idea that was going to happen. She places all the blame on Wendy and Marty begs for her help with Ruth. Despite his attempts, Ruth just refuses to work with the Byrdes, understandably.
Turning to another potential plan, Wendy suggests they bring Camila in and get Omar killed so they don’t have to deal with him. Despite Marty being against the idea at first, they do go suggest the deal to Camila who agrees. They tell her they know she was the one who ordered the hit on Omar, and they shake on the decision, though she insists on seeing Omar one more time.
Ruth sees Nathan drunk at the motel and he shows his true colors. Though he’s not outwardly aggressive, he’s a total jerk when asking about Ruth’s relationship with Ben, when he tells her that she wasn’t even Ben’s type, and when he says that you can’t trust blondes. Creep.
Over at the prison, Camila visits Omar one last time and he tells her that he’s not the one who killed Javi. He explains that he doesn’t know who did, but that Wendy is the one who told him of his death. Understandably suspicious, Camila calls Marty demanding to know who did it, but he denies knowing anything.
Pushed over the edge, Wendy goes back to the mental health center and says she either has to be admitted or she’ll resort to killing her father. This, of course, gets their attention and she’s allowed to stay. Marty goes to visit her and she tells him to let the kids know she won’t be leaving until she gets them back.
Ruth’s being followed by Nelson but she’s got other things on her mind. She goes to the police station and confesses to the murder of Javi to Wycoff, explaining everything that happened but letting him know that she’ll deny it if he tells anyone. Understandably, Wycoff is in disbelief.
Does Nelson die in Ozark season 4 part 2?
When Ruth walks outside the station and notices Nelson isn’t there anymore, she panics and calls Rachel, alerting her to flee. Nelson pulls up and Ruth instructs Rachel to get up on the roof and shoot him, which she does. Ruth eventually arrives and they now have blood on their hands as Nelson is dead.
Apart from the Ozark season 4 part 2 premiere, this one is the strongest episode of the season. It’s the penultimate entry before the big finale, so there’s a lot that’s presented that needs to get solved. This one is eventful, compelling, and keeps you wanting more. Onto the final episode we go!
Grade: A
Ozark season 4 part 2 episode 7 recap: “A Hard Way to Go”

Now that Marty and Wendy are close to losing everything, Marty resorts to threatening Ruth. He shows up at her place and asks her to help get the kids back. Understandably, she doesn’t want to, leaving Marty to tell her that if she doesn’t help then he’s going to tell Camila that she was the one to kill Javi.
The FBI has agreed to transfer Omar without giving him any warning, and Marty tells Camila that if he tries to escape and gets killed in the process, it would be “fate.” So it looks like that’s the plan to get Omar out of the picture.
Ruth goes to see Wendy at the mental center and asks her to promise her that if she talks to the kids about coming home, that’s all she has to do. Wendy agrees and it seems like Marty was just bluffing on telling Camila about Ruth. I couldn’t imagine Marty doing that, but at this point he and Wendy are far beyond desperate. Ruth and Wendy talk about Ben and Ruth takes some of the blame for his death.
Instead of talking to Charlotte and Jonah, however, Ruth goes to the motel and strikes up a conversation with Nathan. She takes out a gun and a bottle of alcohol, asking him to go have a drink with her. Ruth asks him what he would do if Charlotte and Jonah end up just like Marty and Wendy, telling him she knows he doesn’t want or care about the kids. He’s really just trying to get back at Wendy. Their conversation goes as well as you’d expect, and at the end of it Ruth takes out her gun and threatens him. She tells him he has to tell the kids not to come home with him. After this, Charlotte and Jonah go to visit their mom.
Surprisingly, Wendy tells the kids that they can go to North Carolina and she’ll still love them if they decide to leave. After that, she decides it’s time go home, and she tells Marty in the car that he didn’t have to threaten Ruth. The whole family’s in the car on the way back when they get into a major accident that flips the car upside down. This is the huge scene we get to see in season 4 part 1 that’s finally being explained!
Ozark season 4: Does Wendy or anyone die in the car crash?
The outcome of the car crash is a huge question on fans’ minds leading into season 4 part 2, and we finally get to see what happens in the o finale. To answer the question, no one dies. Fortunately, Wendy, Marty, Charlotte, and Jonah are able to walk away from the accident with just some bruises, although for a split second it does seem like Wendy might not make it. She’s the last one to make it out of the upside car, and she needs some help from Marty to crawl out.
The mystery of Wendy’s fate is short-lived, however, as she gets out of the car pretty quickly and they family is able to get home safely. The car crash seemingly brings the family closer together, especially Wendy and Marty. It doesn’t feel like a divorce is coming for the two.
The FBI needs to know if they can still have the money laundered through the casino, and Ruth actually agrees to speak with them.
Over at the prison, Omar tells the Byrdes that he thinks Camila put the hit on his life, and gives them a phone number to call to take care of her. Of course, Wendy and Marty don’t take this request seriously as they still want Omar to be killed. Omar also asks if they heard about Nelson, who Rachel killed last episode, and tells Marty to go back to Mexico to step in.
There’s a heartfelt moment for Ruth when she imagines Russ (Marc Menchaca), Cade (Trevor Long), and Wyatt back home as she builds her pool, and Three comes over to spend time with her. Though she’s happy about how far she’s come and how much she’s changed her life, there’s no doubt she’s missing her late family all the time.
Ruth is open to laundering the money at the Missouri Belle if the FBI is behind it, and she convinces Rachel it’s safe. Rachel is freaking out a little bit about killing Nelson, suggesting they could just leave the Ozarks. Of course, Ruth doesn’t want to do that.
The FBI meets with everyone at the casino, alerting the Byrdes and Camila that Omar is set to be transferred that night. Ruth asks for an apology for Rachel from the FBI, which they do.
Sam decides to move to North Carolina with Nathan, and surprisingly, Wendy extends an olive branch to Nathan in the form of cash. The Byrdes get ready to attend the gala at the Belle, which turns out to be more eventful than they were expecting.
At the gala, Wendy hears that more offers are coming in, and she speaks with Schafer who tells her that they can only get Omar off the SDN list with his help. Of course, they no longer need to get Omar off the list since they’re having him killed. Charlotte and Jonah talk about going back to Chicago and how they can’t believe this is all over.
While Marty and Wendy are in a conversation with Clare at the gala, Camila comes over and asks them about the day Javi died. Camila interrogates Clare and threatens her, which understandably really gets to her. Clare comes clean and tells Camila that it was Ruth who killed Javi, while the Byrdes deny that they knew. Camila warns them that if they try to warn Ruth that she’s coming for her, she’ll have Jonah and Charlotte killed. Clare apologizes to the Byrdes when Camila leaves, and Wendy and Marty start to freak out.
Does Omar die in Ozark season 4?
Just as Wendy and Marty want, Omar does die in Ozark season 4 part 2. While he’s being transferred via car, a man gets out and gives Omar a gun, as if he’s giving him a way out. However, the gun he gives him is actually empty, and the man shoots and kills Omar.
Does Ruth die in Ozark season 4?
Ruth leaves the gala early and heads home, but once she gets there she sees another car. Fearless, she gets out to see who it is, and Camila comes out of the woods. Ruth asks how she found out about Javi, telling her that she’s not sorry she killed him. It seems like she accepts the fact that she’s going to die, and if she’s scared, she doesn’t show it. Camila shoots and kills her, which is just an absolute shame. Netflix just killed off one of their best characters to date, but at least the show’s over now.
Ozark season 4 part 2 ending explained
After Ruth dies, there’s one last scene to talk about. Back at the Byrdes, the family is home from the gala and they notice that someone has broken in. We see Mel sitting outside with Ben’s ashes in the cookie jar, meaning he knows that Ben is dead and the Byrdes had something to do with it. Marty offers to pay him off, but Mel refuses. He wants justice and doesn’t want the family to win this time. Just before the credits roll, Jonah appears with a gun. When the screen goes black, we hear a gunshot.
Who does Jonah shoot and kill in Ozark season 4?
It’s likely that Jonah kills Mel when he shoots the gun, however we don’t actually see who it is. Because the Byrde family is in a pretty good place by the end of the show, it doesn’t seem like he would go rogue and shoot Marty or Wendy, although they’re also possibilities.
As I understand it, the point of the Ozark ending is to be vague so that the viewer can interpret what happened themselves. It’s entirely possible that it’s not even Jonah who shoots the gun. Perhaps someone else grabs the gun from him and shoots it, although this is not as likely in my opinion.
The way I see it, Jonah most likely shoots and kills Mel to save his family. He’s certainly gone through his fair share of ups and downs with his parents, but by the finale they’re in a surprisingly good place. He knows Marty and Wendy would do anything to keep him and Charlotte safe, and it looks like he choices to do the same for them.
If it wasn’t for the final scene, I would’ve given the last episode of Ozark an A grade. It’s entertaining throughout and I like the pacing, however the ending is just too underwhelming for me.
Grade: B
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