Heartstopper recap guide: All episodes explained and questions answered

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Heartstopper episode 8 (finale): “Boyfriend”

Charlie has a really touching heart to heart with Tori at the beginning of the Hearstopper finale. He feels like he’s ruining Nick’s life and that everything would be better off if he didn’t exist. It’s honestly a heartbreaking scene because we know Charlie has the best intentions and brings so much joy to people’s lives.

Tao still won’t talk to Charlie after finding out that he kept his relationship with Nick a secret. Meanwhile, Charlie is avoiding Nick because he doesn’t know what do. He feels terrible about the way things have turned out and thinks he’s the problem. Of course, this isn’t true at all and Nick still wants to be with Charlie.

While trying to find Charlie at school, Nick goes to sit with Tao and they have a really nice conversation. Although Tao is mad at Charlie, he tells Nick how Charlie feels and what he wants. Tao says he understands if Nick can’t come out and be with Charlie 100%, but Charlie might become insecure because of that. Nick continues to try and talk to Charlie, DMing him but getting no response.

It’s Sports Day at school, and when Tao is forced to compete in a race, Charlie volunteers to run for him and ends up winning. He confronts Ben on the field, and Ben tries to threaten to tell everyone about Charlie’s relationship with Nick. Charlie says he could also tell everyone about their fling, and has the last word with Ben. He tells him off in a respectful way and we love to see it. Go Charlie, go Charlie!

Do Tao and Elle get together in Heartstopper?

Tao and Charlie apologize and hug after the race, which is obviously a huge relief for both of them. Tao and Elle then decide to go explore the school, as Elle wants to see her old classrooms. In the art room, they lay down on a desk together and hold hands. It’s pretty intimate, and the two even look like they’re about to kiss at one point. However, Elle then says she wants to go find her old locker, ending the romantic moment. The two characters do not get together in Heartstopper, but if there’s a second season their feelings for each other will likely be explored.

Do Nick and Charlie end up together in Heartstopper?

Nick and Charlie officially make up in the finale, with Nick going outside to find Charlie on the field and holding his hand in front of everyone to lead him back to school. In the hallway, Nick gets super vulnerable and says his life is better with Charlie in it. He convinces Charlie that he wants to be with him despite any drama that might happen from other people, and the two share a kiss.

Heartstopper ending explained

The ending of Heartstopper sees Nick and Charlie going to the beach together and having a really great time. They lay down on a towel in the sand and decide they’re boyfriends, running into the water and having such a romantic moment. We then cut to Nick coming home and talking to his mom, where he comes out as bisexual. She’s incredibly loving and supportive, which is great to see.

The final moments of Heartstopper see Nick and Charlie back at the beach deciding they’re going to tell people that they’re together. Yay! The ending is just as wholesome and adorable as the whole show is.

How much are you loving Heartstopper on Netflix? Let us know in the comments section what your thoughts are!