Women in horror: 17 powerful women in Netflix horror shows and films

The Haunting of Hill House - Steve Dietl/Netflix
The Haunting of Hill House - Steve Dietl/Netflix /
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what's new on Netflix - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 4 - Riverdale

Women in horror: Sabrina Spellman from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

There have been several iterations of Sabrina Spellman on television and in media throughout the decades as one of the most popular characters in the Archie comics. But Sabrina from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is easily one of the most powerful versions.

She already starts as a strong witch from a notable lineage of witches, but after signing the Book of the Beast, Sabrina’s powers increase tenfold. Sabrina is even one of only a few witches in existence who has the ability to summon hellfire, allowing her to walk through it unharmed as she did during her Dark Baptism

Hellbound season 2
Min Hyejin in Hellbound – Courtesy of Netflix /

Women in horror: Min Hye-jin from Hellbound

Hellbound is a somewhat underrated Netflix series. This South Korean dark fantasy show stars Kim Hyun-joo as one of the leading female characters, Min Hye-jin. Min stands out because she’s one of the few characters who doesn’t believe in the rising cult of Arrowhead and the “New Truth” religion.

A high-powered attorney, Min works to block these groups from taking over and helping people who have been condemned to hell by their leaders. It’s not easy to stand up to regular people. Imagine taking a stand against monstrous supernatural beings!