Inventing Anna is Netflix’s new scammer limited series, created by by Shonda Rhimes (Bridgerton, Grey’s Anatomy), which made its debut on Friday, Feb 11. With its release, many viewers jumped right into bingeing the addictive nine episodes based on the “somewhat” true-life events of Russian-born fraudster, Anna Sorokin, who posed as a German heiress named Anna Delvey.
If you’re wondering why the name “Anna Delvey” might sound familiar to you, you’ll have to think back to 2018 when journalist Jessica Pressler wrote the article on the con artist who had managed to convince many of New York’s social elite that she had a trust fund from her wealthy father.
Right off the bat, we have no doubt that Julia Garner, who portrays Anna Delvey, and her accent has piqued your interest, being that it’s quite unusual. Described as a “hodgepodge of Russian, German, and American inflections,” the actress herself proclaimed it was one of the “hardest accents” she has ever had to do. This has us wondering — what does Anna Sorokin really sound like? And is her accent real?
Find out below!
Is Anna Delvey’s accent real?
When Julia Garner was asked about accent for the series by Netflix, the actress revealed that “it’s definitely the hardest accent” she’s ever had to do, but insisted that her portrayal of Anna was true, right down to the “crazy” accent. She told the publication:
"“People are like, ‘This accent is crazy. Is this what she sounds like?’ They can’t believe it. But at the same time, I want everybody to just Google how she sounds. I wouldn’t allow myself to just go on screen and do a half accent. I’m a perfectionist.”"
So we followed the actress’s advice and did just that! We found that Julia’s portrayal of Anna’s accent was pretty spot on.
Anna Sorokin interviews
But judge for yourself with these extracts from interviews with the real Anna Sorokin.
Anna Sorokin in first interview after leaving jail
Anna Sorokin on why she’s not guilty
Inventing Anna is now streaming on Netflix.