Based on true events, Girl in the Basement is a Lifetime movie that premiered recently on February 27, 2021. Starring Judd Nelson, Stefanie Scott, and Joely Fisher, the film tells the story of a young woman who is held captive by her own father for decades. The movie is based on the Fritzl case, which occurred from 1984 until 2008.
In the town of Amstetten, Austria, a man named Josef Fritzl captured and hid his 18-year-old daughter Elisabeth in a chamber in the basement of their family home for 24 years. Elisabeth faced sexual abuse at the hands of her own father throughout her activity, which resulted in her giving birth to a total of seven children.
If you’re wondering whether or not Girl in the Basement is available to watch on Netflix, then you’ve come to the right place. We have the answer for you below.
Is Girl in the Basement streaming on Netflix?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Girl in the Basement is not available on Netflix.
Where you can watch Girl in the Basement
The entire duration of the film is available on Lifetime’s website. You can find it here.
For a closer look at Girl in the Basement, you can check out the trailer below.
According to IMDb, the film is rated TV-14, which comes as a bit of a surprise considering how it’s based on such horrifying events. Before watching, I will caution you that the film includes instances of rape. Viewer discretion is advised with this one.