15 best Netflix teen movies and shows for younger teens

Work It -- Courtesy of Elly Dassas/Netflix
Work It -- Courtesy of Elly Dassas/Netflix /
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Teen movies
Sorta Like A Rockstar. Aulii Cravalho as Amber Appleton, Rhenzy Feliz as Ty in Sorta Like A Rockstar. Cr. Allyson Riggs/NETFLIX © 2020 /

Teen shows on Netflix: 2. Alexa & Katie

Starting high school can be a nerve-wracking time but best friends, Alexa and Katie, are excited to be starting their freshman year in this teen sitcom. But when Alexa is diagnosed with cancer, all the plans the two girls had have a major roadblock. Alexa, however, is determined to live a normal life despite having to undergo treatment.

Supportive as always, Katie is right beside Alexa from shaving her head to helping untangle them from the consequences of her best friend’s impulsive and rebellious decisions. Through thick and thin, Alexa and Katie are there for one another and their respective dreams, on the basketball court and in the theater.

All four seasons of Alexa & Katie are available to stream.

Teen movies on Netflix: 3. All Together Now

Amber Appleton is an optimist. It’s how she keeps pushing forward despite the loss of her father and living in a bus with her mother. Her calendar is full by necessity from working two jobs, planning the annual variety show, and holding tight to the dream of attending Carnegie Mellon University. But when tragedy strikes, Amber has to learn accept help from her friends instead of trying to go it all on her own.

All Together Now is based on the young adult novel Sorta Like a Rockstar by Matthew Quick.