What happens to Hawk in Cobra Kai season 3?

COBRA KAI - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 110 - Courtesy Jace Downs/YouTube Red/Courtesy of Sony Pictures Television/Netflix
COBRA KAI - SEASON 1 - EPISODE 110 - Courtesy Jace Downs/YouTube Red/Courtesy of Sony Pictures Television/Netflix /

Hawk makes some surprising decisions in Cobra Kai season 3

There are no shortages of antagonists in Cobra Kai. Although, one of the things we learn about Kreese in season 3 is that he doesn’t believe people are good or evil, only weak or strong. Hawk in Cobra Kai definitely strives to be strong to overcome the bullying he’s endured because of his lip, but that also ends up being his weakness, too. But in season 3, Hawk sees the error of his ways and ends up making a surprising decision.

We first meet Eli Moskowitz (Jacob Bertrand) in season 1. Like Miguel (Xolo Maridueña) and Demetri (Gianni DeCenzo), he’s often a favorite target of bullies, especially Kyler (Joe Seo). Needless to say, he’s one of Miguel’s first recruits when Miguel convinces Johnny (William Zabka) to open Cobra Kai.

Johnny says the best way to disarm people is to distract them, a lesson Eli takes to heart. That’s why he transforms himself into Hawk, complete with a mohawk and tattoos.

He looks tough, but can he back it up? Yes. He proves to be a karate athlete. Not only does he get strong, but he also gains a lot of confidence.

Except, he also becomes a jerk.

In season 2, Cobra Kai splinters. Half stay with Johnny and Kreese (Martin Kove). The other half, most of whom are former best friends with those who stay in Cobra Kai, choose to join Miyagi-do. One of the people that heads to Miyagi-do is his former bestie, Demetri, who he starts to bully.

Hawk stays with Cobra Kai and fights with them against Miyagi-do during the schoolwide brawl at the end of season 2. Surprisingly, Demetri, who doesn’t really have any karate prowess or athletics, has learned a thing of two since joining Miyagi-do and kicks Hawk into a trophy case.

Humiliated, Hawk has it out for him in season 3. But not just for Demetri, for any Miyagi-do. From stealing the carwash money Miyagi-do raises for Miguel’s surgery to accidentally-on-purpose destroying Demetri’s class project, Hawk has turned into another Kyler.

Speaking of, he still harbors the mental and emotional wounds Kyler inflicted on him, which he must not only confront, but come to terms with when Kreese recruits Kyler and his minions into Cobra Kai.

Now, Hawk gets to see just how tough he is. Will he be the alpha male or will Kyler? And is the dojo big enough for the both of them?

At first, it seems that it is. But then something happens when Cobra Kai crashes the Miyagi-do Eagle Fang party at Sam’s house. Kyler body slams Miguel and then hugs Hawk and says, “They never had a chance.”

Suddenly things Kreese, Miguel and Johnny have said swirl in his head. When two of his fellow Cobra Kais get Demetri in an arm lock and offer Hawk a free shot, he rushes forward but doesn’t hit Demetri. He takes out the other two, and then he fights with Demetri, Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang against Cobra Kai.

Season 3 ends with Miyagi-do at their dojo. Miguel enters and with him are Hawk and the other Eagle Fangs. They’re ready to team up and start training together to defeat Cobra Kai.

The question is, one of the things Hawk remembers that Kreese said before he turns on his fellow Cobra Kais was, “The enemy of your enemy is your friend.”

Did Hawk truly see the light and the error of his ways? Is he really ready to abandon Kreese and the Cobra Kais?

Or is he Cobra Kai forever and this is his way of keeping his enemies close and learning their training methods?

Guess we’ll see if his change of heart is genuine or not in season 4. Until then, we can enjoy the first three seasons of Cobra Kai on Netflix.

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