12. Klaus (2019)
When it comes to animation, the computer-animated flicks are exemplary in many ways, but it’s hard to argue the stunning beauty that is seen when it comes to hand drawn features. Some truly unique and unforgettable films have been brilliantly developed in this manner over the years, like Spirited Away, The Iron Giant, and Fantasia, just to name a few. The streaming giant Netflix saw fit to take advantage of that particular visually stunning art form and developed an excellent motion called Klaus that superbly serves up a solid helping of holiday cheer.
This masterful film received several coveted accolades and many impressive nominations. Klaus was even nominated for Best Animated Feature at the 92nd Academy Awards. The Netflix original noel-centric film features an all-star cast of voice performances from talented individuals, including J.K. Simmons, Rashida Jones, Will Sasso, Norma Macdonald, Joan Cusack, and Jason Schwartzman. The 2019 family-friendly Christmas film takes a different approach to the Santa Clause story with an incredibly penetrating alternate origin story that follows a selfish mail carrier and reclusive toymaker that bring joy to a town that definitely needs it. Of all the animated endeavors available on the streaming service, this is one subscriber should place very high on their watchlist.