This week’s episode Grey’s Anatomy features fish people, an unexpected hook-up, and a sheep in a bag. Intrigued yet?
Grey’s Anatomy is quite unusual this week, but it made for some hilarious moments throughout the hour. It seems that each and every character is simultaneously dealing with life’s problems and each issue more complicated than the next. But let’s start with DeLuca and Carina’s father, Vincenzo. He recently came to Grey-Sloan with a medical miracle idea–an external gestational bag. This bag, hypothetically, will keep premature babies alive post-delivery, allowing them to fully form before being out in the world.
Carina is against the idea from the start due to her concerns with Vincenzo’s mental health, but DeLuca is convinced that his dad is alright, and supports the idea. Things take an unfortunate turn in “And Dream of Sheep” when one of Teddy’s patients has to have her baby delivered prematurely. Vincenzo decides to take matters into his own hands and approaches the parents about his gestational bag. Keep in mind this bag is still undergoing trials and has lost one trial sheep participant. It’s definitely not ready for patient use, but Vincenzo doesn’t seem to understand this.
It takes this turn of events for DeLuca to realize that his father is not well, and needs to go back to Italy. This entire situation is certainly going to take a toll on DeLuca who is already distancing himself from everyone, including Meredith. And next week’s promos of Grey’s Anatomy don’t look very promising for their relationship.
Meanwhile, Jackson is busy being a “merman” in this episode as he, Dahlia, Casey, and Levi treat a patient with extensive burns with tilapia skin. It looks gross AF but it’s something that has been scientifically proven to work. And although the hospital stinks and the entire process is gross, Maggie is feeling a certain kind of way over Jackson’s accomplishments by the end of the episode.
After the podcast debacle from last week’s episode, Maggie is preparing to do a television interview, which has her feeling extremely nervous. You see, she reveals during the podcast that Richard Weber and Ellis Grey are her birth parents and it creates a frenzy inside and outside of the hospital. But this time around, she faces the questions head-on and answers them with pride and dignity, even giving her adoptive father a shout-out.
Speaking of birth parents, Jo finally gets her DNA results and is nervous to see what they might reveal. With Maggie’s help, she learns that none of the major diseases came out as positive, however, she did seem to match closely with a woman who might be her cousin. Overhearing that Jo’s genetics are amazing but she might be related to someone, Casey helps Jo track down her birth mother through the magic of social media. Will Jo actually reach out? And if she does, will it end horribly? Jackson seems to think so.
Teddy and Owen’s patient ends up having a heartbreaking end, and not only loses her baby but has to have her ovaries removed following a car accident. The mother was willing to undergo whatever Vincenzo’s medical miracle was but the rest of the doctors stepped in to say that it’s not even an option. It definitely tears Teddy up given that she’s currently pregnant, and as she breaks down in tears in Owen’s arms, Koracick walks in to see this go down and misunderstands.

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Is Grey’s Anatomy finally going to give Amelia a boot hang that isn’t Owen? It sure seems that way! She attends an alternative pain conference where she bumps into Link. There’s an instant spark between them but they do their best to avoid it for as long as possible. It almost seems like nothing is going to happen, especially after Amelia hears the beginning of Link’s presentation about a patient he had who was an addict that passed away.
When Link goes to speak with her about it, he explains that it wasn’t just a matter of letting the kid become an addict. There is so much more to what happened which included Link giving up medicine for an entire year. All this apologizing and clearing up things is enough to get things going between the two of them. I have to say, I’m totally in for this couple. Let the shipping begin!
In other parts of Grey’s Anatomy, Alex’s mom was still roaming about, knitting all kinds of clothing accessories (Bailey got a hat out of it!). After a conversation with Alex’s mom, Bailey tells him that his mother wants to go back home and is bored sticking around Seattle. He decides to take her back home to Iowa while Bailey takes over chief duties for him in his absence. I’m still curious if Alex will actually give the Chief title back to Bailey by the end of the season. Time will tell, I suppose!
Grey’s Anatomy airs every Thursday on ABC at 8 PM EST!