The Punisher expected to be canceled at Netflix after season 2

Marvel's The Punisher - Credit: Cara Howe/Netflix
Marvel's The Punisher - Credit: Cara Howe/Netflix /

After Netflix canceled Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, everyone is expecting Netflix will cancel The Punisher after season 2.

The Punisher season 2 premieres on Netflix on Friday, Jan. 18. Fans have been waiting a long time to watch this new season and see the return of Frank Castle. Unfortunately, this is probably the last time we’ll a new season of The Punisher on the streaming service.

Of course, Netflix has not officially announced The Punisher will be canceled after this season, and we don’t expect the announcement to be made for a while. But, I don’t think there’s any fan of Marvel or this series who is expecting The Punisher will be renewed for season 3.

And, that’s because it sure seems like Netflix is moving away from all their Marvel shows. The streaming network canceled Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Daredevil this fall. Luke Cage and Daredevil were expected to be renewed prior to their surprising cancellations.

Arguably, The Punisher is the best Netflix-Marvel series, so there’s, I guess, a small chance Netflix could choose to renew this show for another season. I just don’t see how, after canceling Daredevil and co., that Netflix would decide to renew The Punisher. If there was any chance of the Netflix-Marvel partnership continuing in the future, Daredevil would have been the show to bring back for another season. It’s more popular than The Punisher.

Jessica Jones is coming back for its third season sometime this spring, most likely. That will probably be the final season of that series, as well. Then, Netflix should be out of the Marvel business after canceling this series and Jessica Jones this year.

It’s possible, I guess, that Netflix could reconsider. There’s a strong campaign to Save Daredevil in the works right now. We’ll be sure to let you know more about the series and its possible cancellation when we find out.

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