Netflix's gritty and provocative new reality series Unlocked: A Jail Experiment is now streaming. The documentary series takes viewers into the Pulaski County Detention Facility in Arkansas for an intriguing social experiment in which the inmates of H Unit, who are used to being on lockdown for 23 hours a day, will get the chance to prove they can create a community when the doors to their cells are unlocked completely for six weeks.
Across eight episodes, the show follows the inmates as they adapt to their new circumstances while closely monitored by Sheriff Eric Higgins and his deputies. If they can make the experiment a success, it's something that could be further implemented in additional units and maybe even other facilities.
Below, we've created a guide for viewers who want to learn more about the inmates at the center of the series and some updates on where they are now, now that the experiment is over.
Meet the main players of H Unit
- Krisna Piro Clarke "Tiny," 35, from Arkansas, served time for aggravated battery and first-degree robbery
- John McAllister "Eastside," 28, from Nebraska, sentenced for drug possession with a firearm, he robbed a pet store
- Randy Randall, 45, from Arkansas, arrested for domestic assault and drug possession, has been to jail around nine times and wants to be done with all things related to drugs
- David Miller, 43, from Arkansas, arrested for domestic battery
- Mason Abraham, 21, from Mississippi, arrested for capital murder
- Raymond Lovett "AJ," 24, from Arkansas, he was arrested for the shooting that took place at CHI St. Vincent Hospital in Sherwood in 2022, serving time for capital murder and aggravated assault
- Chauncey Young, 20, from Arkansas, arrested for aggravated robbery, theft of property, first-degree battery, possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver
- Daniel Gatlin, 38, from Arkansas, arrested for aggravated robbery and theft of property
- Willie Lovelace, 51, charged with fleeing and terroristic act
In addition to the above, other inmates featured in the show include Jordan Parkinson, Jarrod Ellison, Preston Wehrer, Joseph Wutzke, Elliott Finch, Andre Reece, Tyler Bancroft, Christian Johnson, Melvain Jones, Landon Stiblet, and more. The full list of inmates was shared by the newspaper Arkansas Times.
Where are the inmates now?
The show wrapped filming a while ago, so many of the inmates at the focus of the docuseries have since moved on to other prisons, and some have even gotten out already after bonding out or completing their sentences. In the final episode, we received updates on several of the inmates featured.
- Tiny, one of the main inmates featured in the series, has since finished serving his sentence and is now a free man. He expressed his regrets for his life of crime and now that he's out, is focusing on spending time with his family and his son.
- Eastside was transferred to a prison to finish out his three-year sentence, and yes he's still doing tattoos!
- Randy is still in jail, awaiting his trial. He continues to help others as a mentor, not a pod boss.
- AJ was sentenced to life in prison plus 15 years and is now serving time in the high-security Varner Unit.
- Ty was transferred to prison to complete his 20-year stint.
- Mayham is still in the Pulaski County facility and awaiting his trial.
- Chauncey bonded out and is currently awaiting trial. He's wearing an ankle monitor now.
Who is Sheriff Eric Higgins?
At the start of the series, we learn that Sheriff Eric Higgins has held his position for five years and is at the start of his second term. He was sworn in on January 1, 2019, according to PCSO Administration about page, but his law enforcement career actually started way back in 1984 at the Little Rock Police Department.
Before becoming sheriff, Higgins worked as a police officer for 30 years before retiring in 2015 as the Assistant Chief of Police. He is also a licensed minister, has been married for almost 30 years, and has two daughters.
Despite some of the missteps that occurred throughout the experiment, Sheriff Higgins plans to maintain the "unlocked" status of H Unit and has plans to roll out the experiment to four additional units in the facility.
All episodes of Unlocked: A Jail Experiment are now streaming on Netflix.