Thanksgiving: Here's how THAT trampoline scene differed from the Grindhouse trailer

One memorable scene in Thanksgiving (2023) is actually less disturbing than what happens in the original trailer.
Cheerleader on the trampoline from TriStar Pictures and Spyglass Media Group, LLC THANKSGIVING
Cheerleader on the trampoline from TriStar Pictures and Spyglass Media Group, LLC THANKSGIVING

Thanksgiving was one of 2023's most popular slashers and now that the Sony movie is on Netflix it has taken over the Top 10 chart as the number one film on Netflix! Given just how gory and over-the-top Thanksgiving is, it's not surprising people have been discussing some of the many bloody kills. But there's one in particular people have been highlighting (and no, not the oven scene).

There is a scene in the movie where one of the cheerleaders, Amy (Shailyn Griffin), and her boyfriend Lonnie (Mika Amonsen) go into the gym for a little canoodling. Amy performs for her boyfriend on the trampoline, teasing him by yanking down her underwear and whatnot. Well, it doesn't last long before John Carver breaks Lonnie's neck and starts stabbing Amy through the trampoline with a knife.

Here's how the trampoline scene differs from the Grindhouse trailer

If you can believe it, the original fictitious 2007 trailer that director Eli Roth made as part of the movie Grindhouse contains an even grislier scene for this particular death. Thanksgiving is based on that trailer (which you can check out for yourself if you rent or buy Grindhouse).

In it, the trampoline death scene plays out differently. For starters, the cheerleader in that version gets almost fully nude before she dies and the killer sticks a knife through the trampoline just in time for her to do the splits. She then lands right on top of the knife, if you catch my drift. Yeah, it's disturbing and anyone watching it will likely wince along with her.

While the trailer isn't necessarily super bloody, the movie still toned that scene down a bit in terms of the sexualization. It's understandable why some changes were made from the trailer to the film though, so that people who did watch the original trailer wouldn't be completely spoiled on every death that plays out in the movie.

Thanksgiving is now streaming on Netflix.