Since there are so many new shows added to Netflix each month, it's tough to know which shows are the right ones for you. Maybe you start watching a show that's advertised to you or has been popular on the top 10, and then randomly in the middle, there's an instance of violence or nudity you weren't expecting to see. That can often happen with TV-MA-rated shows.
Obviously, before watching a new show on Netflix, viewers like to be as informed as possible on what they are about to spend their hard-earned free time watching. On Aug. 29, Netflix released KAOS, a dark fantasy series that centers on the exploits of Greek gods and other mythological situations. The subject matter alone makes way for some potential content and trigger warnings.
Trying to decide whether Netflix's new mythological dark comedy should be on your watch list? Before you take the plunge and watch KAOS, we're sharing a spoiler-free explanation on the show's age rating and instances of sex, violence, and more. How graphic are these themes?

KAOS earns its TV-MA rating for language and violence
The dark comedy series has been assigned with a TV-MA rating for language, nudity, sex, smoking, suicide, and violence. Netflix also warns prospective viewers that the series is intended for mature audiences. KAOS won't be appropriate for children or young viewers to watch, and it's likely not appropriate to have on with little ears around. But let's look a little deeper into each category to make sure viewers know what they're getting into with the show's mature themes.
Sex and nudity
There are a fair amount of instances of sexual situations, though these scenes aren't as significantly graphic as other shows rated TV-MA. A lot of the sex scenes are implied without being explicitly shown in graphic detail. In an early episode, a man and woman have sex, but there's no nudity in this scene. There are two instances of two men having sex, but again, these scenes are short and do not contain nudity. Throughout the series, there are instances of shirtless men in underwear, but actual graphic nudity isn't prevalent in KAOS.
Language and violence
For those who are sensitive to profane language and graphic violence, KAOS probably won't be the show for you to watch. The language is heightened throughout the eight episodes, including words like "f*ck" and "c**t" used casually. As for violence, there are multiple instances of minor character deaths via violent means such as guns, throats being slashed, and necks snapping. While some of the deaths happen offscreen (including that of a newborn baby), others aren't shied away from and feature blood and other body trauma.

Should you watch or skip KAOS?
Just like with any television show, KAOS won't be for everyone. The mythological dark comedy's sense of humor and presentation is very specific and unique. For lack of a better work, the Netflix series is bizarre, and if you aren't interested in a show that's cerebral and stylistically strange, you probably won't find KAOS' quirks charming.
Upon release, Variety called the series a "meandering mythological bore," highlighting the fact that the series tackles themes and storylines that are a bit too ambitious in comparison to their generally flat outcomes. There's no doubt that the acting performances are powerful and excellent and the show has something to say about power and greed. Just... not everyone will be receptive to these strengths amid the aspects that are more of a hard sell.
If you have watched and loved Netflix shows like The End of the F***ing World, Sense8, The Umbrella Academy, Exploding Kittens, The Decameron, Supacell, and others with distinctive styles and broad themes, you will more than likely enjoy your time exploring the wild world of KAOS. However, if left of center series aren't your cup of tea, you're probably better of keeping this one off your watch list.