27 most romantic moments between Claire and Jamie on Outlander (seasons 1-5)

This couple has proved time and time again how committed they are to each other. Check out some of our favorite swoon-worthy moments from the first five seasons.
Courtesy: Starz
Courtesy: Starz
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Outlander 2014
Courtesy: Starz

Claire tells Jamie the truth about time-travel

While Jamie is away, Claire gets caught up in a witch trial against her thanks to her association with Geillis Duncan, and Father Bain just misunderstanding the modern medicine Claire performed as witchcraft. Once again, Jamie dramatically bursts into the proceedings just as Claire is being beaten. He declares he took an oath to protect her as his wife, and challenges anyone to stop him. There are too many people, but Geillis takes the fall and they're able to run away.

After this comes so many great romantic moments. Claire tells Jamie the truth about what year she comes from, the time-travel, and why she'd gone to the stones that day she was captured by the red coats. He feels bad for beating her for trying to go back home and back to Frank. She begins to cry and he comforts her again, saying she's safe now and that he really does believe her story. Then, he makes the ultimate sacrifice - he takes her back to the stones even though this man is so head over heels in love with Claire. Their goodybe is bittersweet, and you can see how Jamie is holding himself back.

But, surprise! Claire chooses Jamie! She shows up at the campfire, says the signature "on your feet soldier," and tells him to take her home to Lallybroch. That single tear on Jamie's face. I can't. This is the biggest confirmation we have at this point of Claire's feelings. She's chosen to stay with Jamie, and this is the beginning of their total commitment to each other.

Their first I love you's

While Jamie and Claire are in their room at Lallybroch, she says that she's starting to feel like she finally belongs. It's taken her a while to adjust to the time, but she's getting the hang of it. Jamie tells her he always knew she belonged there, with him, and starts to list off the reasons why he agreed to marry her. The Highlander wanted Claire from almost the first moment he saw her, but knew he loved her when she wept in his arms at Castle Leoch that first night. What did I tell you guys? He continues that he finds he loves her more each day, and Claire tells him she loves him too. I mean, you guys. This moment just makes me melt.

Claire saves Jamie from Wentworth

While the first season had many examples of Jamie saving Claire, this time it was Claire's turn to do so. It's very unfortunate that Jamie had to go through what he did. The sadistic Jonathan Randall did things that made him traumatized for very long. But Claire doesn't give up and finds a way to get Jamie out and save her husband. Even afterwards while he's recovering and not wanting to continue on, she helps Jamie snap out of the spiral he was in. This is very important, him asking her "how can you have me like this?" And she tells him she'll always have him in any way she can. These two are 100% committed to each other now. Thankfully we end the season on a high note as on the ship to Paris, Claire shares she's pregnant. Jamie didn't think anything could make him happy after what he went thorough, but this news is verra good indeed!