Lindsay Lohan, the name that rings to our minds whenever we talk about the hit '90s movie The Parent Trap. Not only was it her debut but also one of her greatest performances considering that she was just a child then and yet was doing a double role for twin sisters.
But since then, it is quite hard to find consistency in the quality of her choice of work and her acting skills over the years. It kind of felt as if she had lost the charm that we all felt when we first watched her debut movie. It was the kind of performance that made Lindsay into the name that she still is considered to be today.
However, things seem to have changed in the past couple of years for this “almost forgotten” actress. It seems as if she has made a comeback through multiple Netflix projects since 2022. And her most recent work, Our Little Secret, is quite a refreshing watch for those who once admired her for the talent she was.

Lindsay Lohan returns to form in Our Little Secret
This Netflix movie is based on a very interesting plot where an ex-couple accidentally bumps into each other while visiting their “to-be” in laws for Christmas Eve. It gets even more interesting when they both try to cover their past relationship as they are literally dating the siblings of their partners.
Throughout the movie, you would not feel even once, that the movie follows a predictable plot. It is entertaining and keeps you wanting for more until the very end. Nonetheless, it is imperative to say that without Lindsay’s key performance skills, this would not have been possible.
Not only does Lindsay Lohan look stunning with her long red hair in the movie, but she definitely seems to be focused on delivering high quality work throughout. May it be her dialogue delivery or her facial expressions or the timing of her comic scenes, they all seem to be on point. And together they have, without any doubt, created a masterwork of a movie!
Our Little Secret is the kind of movie that can be watched repeatedly without one getting bored due to its light humor and simple yet candid performances. It is nothing less than true that it may be one of Lindsay’s best performances yet, as the actress seems to only have gotten better like a fine wine over the course of years!
Watch Our Little Secret only on Netflix.