'Investigation Alien' docuseries might just identify the unidentified

Six intense episodes for both the believers and deniers.
AlienCon 2023 in Pasadena, CA
AlienCon 2023 in Pasadena, CA | Jesse Grant/GettyImages

Unidentified is the word that is key when the question of alien presence on Earth (and close to it) is brought up, as the ever-present (long before the fifties) question of what was in the post-WWII first-dubbed as flying saucers, then morphed into UFOs, and is now UAP - unidentified anomalous phenomena.

The word unidentified brings mystery in itself, so it is no wonder that both the fictional and documentary films and series on UAPs (let’s keep it current) are so popular. As could be expected, the interest value and, at the same time, the quality of those can vary wildly, all depending on the quality of the makers and the research they do when preparing their material.

Netflix is no stranger to such films and series, particularly in recent years - from William Shatner’s Unexplained (2019) to Top Secret UFO Projects Declassified (2021). Recently, Netflix presented another docuseries on this list the six-episode-long Investigation Alien.

Investigation Alien is what you need right now

The series is helmed by investigative reporter George Knapp, well known in the UAP research circles and fans of such docu-series, as he is said to have uncovered information about Area 51 and the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

Knapp’s key premise is not discussing whether there is an alien presence on Earth - it insists there is, and he engaged a series of a tram of military and intelligence officers, scientists, and journalists to prove his point. 

At the same time, through the travels and interviews, Knapp and his team try to find the explanations as well as possible reasons for alien presence on Earth and what our answers should be. So, is it worth the watch, both for those following the subject in detail and those who have just a passing interest in ‘aliens’?

For both groups of potential viewers the key questions could be - will they learn anything new, and how interesting is the series to watch?

After watching the series, the answer to both questions could be a solid yes, for three reasons. Firstly, Knapp himself is so well versed in the subject to be able to separate intriguing information from that which is completely unsubstantiated. That experience enabled him to make a solid selection of his researchers and interview subjects and pose all the good questions.

Lastly, the series itself is relatively brief in its six episodes, skipping most of the boring elements docuseries can be bogged with, making it a solid intense watch.

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