Best Horror Movies on Netflix Right Now (2020)

19 of 51
the seasoning house
the seasoning house /


Release Year: 2012

Director: Paul Hyett

Starring: Rosie Day, Sean Pertwee, Kevin Howarth

Now this is a heavy movie. Angel, a deaf-mute woman, is kidnapped to work a brothel type business that specializes in illegal sex trade of kidnapped women. Angel is put to work as an assistant to help run the brothel as oppose to one of the sex slaves.

As the movie goes on it becomes Angel’s mission to help all the unfortunate women. An unlikely hero is born as Angel begins to fight back and kill rapists one by one. There are some scenes that are incredibly tough to watch, but the element of revenge comes on in full swing by the end.

The Seasoning House is another great horror-thriller out of the UK. Paul Hyett sure picked an intense movie to make his debut in directing with this one. Rosie Day was spectacular as Angel and leads the movie to big success.

Next: V/H/S 2