In a town like Stars Hollow, there’s a community full of colorful characters. Beyond the titular Gilmore girls, their little corner of the world bustles with larger-than-life personalities that are warm and welcoming but also delightfully eccentric. We’re talking Taylor Doose, Babette, Miss Patty, Gypsy, Jackson, and so many of the town’s favorites.
Outside of Lorelai and Rory’s hometown, the world expands in Rory’s schooling, where she rubs elbows with characters like Madeline, Louise, Francie, Doyle, Marty, and more. Meanwhile, Richard and Emily’s own world of high society parties and politics introduces us to some friends and enemies, some of whom even bear the Gilmore name. (We’re looking at you, Trix!)
That’s all to say that Gilmore Girls features an excellent ensemble extending from its own main cast. Every character adds something special to the show, whether they’re in every episode, a handful, or just one. For as much fun as every supporting and guest player brings to the series, its main cast carries the weight of making us love or loathe each of the characters.
For the purposes of this ranking, we’re only including the 14 Gilmore Girls characters who were featured in the main cast: Lorelai, Rory, Sookie, Lane, Luke, Michel, Emily, Richard, Paris, Dean, Jess, Kirk, Digger, and Logan. Any additional characters, no matter how prominent in the series, aren’t included since they weren’t designated within the main cast.
Which characters rank the highest, and which ones rank the lowest? Who won the title of the worst character in Gilmore Girls, and who won the title of the best? From worst to best, we’re diving into 14 dynamic characters and discussing their strengths and weaknesses. Find out if you agree with our pick for the best character in the series!