Hurricane Season, a Mexican thriller drama based on the acclaimed novel by Fernanda Melchor, premiered on Netflix on November 1, 2023. Directed by Elisa Miller, who won the prestigious Palme d’Or for Best Short Film at Cannes in 2007, the film takes audiences on a suspenseful journey. Set in a town where a group of teenagers stumbles upon a lifeless body floating in a canal, Hurricane Season explores the dark secrets hidden beneath the surface. The film’s official synopsis, as per Netflix’s Media Center, reads:
"“When a group of teens finds a corpse floating in a canal, the brutal reality behind the perverse crime unravels a town’s dark underbelly. Based on the acclaimed novel by Fernanda Melchor and directed by Palme d’Or winner Elisa Miller.”"
This cinematic adaptation not only promises to be a gripping and thought-provoking experience but also brings to life the powerful themes of love, abandonment, poverty, politics, and migration.
If you’re eager to delve into the world of Hurricane Season and discover the talented ensemble behind its characters, you’re in the right place! Join us as we unveil the full cast list and delve deeper into this gritty Mexican drama below!
Who stars in Hurricane Season?
Hurricane Season boasts an ensemble cast of renowned Mexican actors, celebrated for their exceptional talent in bringing captivating narratives to life on screen. This talented group of performers is set to deliver a gripping performance in this Mexican thriller. According to IMDb, the following talented actors take center stage in the movie:
- Paloma Alvamar
- Andrés Cordova
- Conchi León
- Ernesto Meléndez
- Guadalupe Rammath
- Kat Rigoni
- Said Sandoval
- Edgar Treviño
To catch a glimpse of their skills and the gripping world of the film, watch the official trailer below:
Hurricane Season, with a runtime of 1 hour and 39 minutes, has been classified with an 18+ rating, according to IMDb.
This rating indicates that the movie contains mature content, including scenes of violence and gore, such as depictions of a dead body and bloody sequences. Additionally, the film features the use of profanities, weapons, substance abuse, and scenes of a sexual nature.
If you’re comfortable with these elements and intrigued by the cast and storyline, then you’re in for a riveting cinematic experience!