Netflix’s tropical reality competition, Surviving Paradise, took us by storm when it premiered on October 20, 2023. In this adrenaline-fueled contest, a diverse group of contestants battle for their chance to escape the wilds of the forest and secure a coveted spot in a luxurious villa, all while chasing a life-changing prize. With friendships, alliances, and countless twists in the mix, the journey to the grand prize of $100,000 promises to be a wild ride. The official synopsis for the show, as per Netflix’s Media Center, reads:
"“Twelve contestants think they are going to have the summer of their lives, living the life of luxury in a clifftop, oceanside villa. What they don’t know is that they’ll have to start with nothing, living in the woods without any lavish amenities. Through friendships and alliances, they’ll team up to fight their way into the villa for a chance at the $100,000 grand prize.”"
If you’re just diving into this addictive series and wondering how many episodes await, you’ve come to the right place. Join us as we uncover the total episode count for the first season of Surviving Paradise and much more below!
How many episodes of Surviving Paradise are there on Netflix?
Surviving Paradise consists of 9 episodes. All nine episodes were released on October 20, 2023, on Netflix.
At the moment, there has been no official announcement from Netflix about the renewal of Surviving Paradise for a second season. However, given the show’s popularity and the positive reception of the first season, it is expected that the streaming giant will make a decision soon.
The moment we have more details on its renewal status, we will update our post.
Who are the contestants of Surviving Paradise season 1?
Hosted by Jessimae Peluso, this dynamic group of 12 participants were the initial contestants on Surviving Paradise. Later, they were joined by Eva Desjardins and Gabe Dannenbring, adding even more excitement to the mix:
- Shea Foster
- Justin Assada
- Copan Combs
- Aaron Blake
- Francisco ‘Sisco’ Williams
- Tabitha Sloane
- Alex Dourassof
- Linda C. Okoli
- Taylor Brielle Olympios
- Lellies Santiago
- Sarah Kate Reynolds
- Hayley Smith-Ros
Check out some of the action from the show, in the official trailer below: