5 things nobody wants to admit about Purple Hearts

Purple Hearts. (L to R) Sofia Carson as Cassie, Nicholas Galitzine as Luke in Purple Hearts. Cr. Mark Fellman/Netflix © 2022.
Purple Hearts. (L to R) Sofia Carson as Cassie, Nicholas Galitzine as Luke in Purple Hearts. Cr. Mark Fellman/Netflix © 2022. /
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Purple Hearts
Purple Hearts. (L to R) Sofia Carson as Cassie, Nicholas Galitzine as Luke in Purple Hearts. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022. /

5. It’s really not as bad as people make it out to be

When Purple Hearts was released on Netflix, it was a massive success. Whether people were legitimately watching it and loving it or hate-watching it to see what all the fuss was about, the movie was a viral hit. The numbers simply did not lie.

But a vocal group of viewers would lead you to believe that it’s the worst movie ever made, and while that’s an opinion some might hold true, it’s somewhat hyperbole. Look… Is Purple Hearts a good movie? That’s subjective. You’ll have to decide if it’s good based on your own taste. But here’s the thing: It’s not an unwatchable movie by any means.

The acting from the leading stars is top-notch, and their chemistry makes the love story work more than the writing. As convoluted as it can be at times, the story isn’t boring. You will be entertained, even at its most unbelievable or problematic (to put it lightly) moments. Carson’s contributions to the soundtrack are also a top selling point.

But that doesn’t mean there still aren’t some very glaring and potentially harmful issues with the script and at the center of the film’s messaging…