Once Upon a Crime is a quirky Japanese fantasy film that premiered on September 14, exclusively on Netflix. This family movie is a perfect choice for a movie night, especially because it’s only rated TV-PG! For anyone who adores fairy tales, Once Upon a Crime introduces a hilarious and feel-good cozy mystery story with a version of Little Red Riding Hood as an intrepid protagonist who must solve a crime.
The cast includes notable talents like singer and actress Kanna Hashimoto (I Wish, Re/Member), Yuko Araki (Million Yen Women), and J-Pop star Takanori Iwata. Yuichi Fukuda directs. Fukuda is known for popular comedy projects like Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!.
If you were looking at Netflix today and noticed Once Upon a Crime popped up in your recommendations, you might be curious to learn more about the movie. Keep reading to find out what it’s about with our (spoiler-free!) details.
Is Once Upon a Crime based on a book?
Yes, Once Upon a Crime is based on the novel Akazukin, Tabi no Tochu de Shitai to Deau by Aito Aoyagi, which was nominated for a Japan Booksellers’ Award.
What is Once Upon a Crime about?
Welcome to the magical fairy tale world where beloved characters like Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood get the chance to meet and live side-by-side! Cinderella and Little Red soon become friends and find themselves at a beautiful ball with a handsome prince. But what begins as a happy story takes a dark turn when the body of a hairdresser is found hidden in the woods nearby.
Little Red is on the case. It will be up to her to solve the murder where everyone is a suspect, even the charming Prince Gilbert and Cinderella! Will Detective Little Red apprehend the right person? And how do a pair of glass slippers connect to everything?
Read the official Netflix synopsis:
"The forthcoming Netflix Japan film Once Upon a Crime follows a story of Little Red Riding Hood who takes on the role of a detective to solve the intriguing case of “Cinderella.” This captivating mystery novel has been highly acclaimed and was nominated for the prestigious Japan Booksellers’ Award. The plot is both daring and imaginative, with Red Riding Hood as the intrepid protagonist on a mission to uncover the culprit of a crime set in the enchanting world of a beloved fairy tale.Director Yuichi Fukuda is a hit maker known for comedies like Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!.The lead role of Little Red Riding Hood is played by Kanna Hashimoto, who is popular among young audiences for her versatility of playing a wide range of roles from pretty heroine to strong action roles. Cinderella will be played by Yuko Araki, portraying a beautiful and enigmatic version of the character, while Takanori Iwata will play the cool and desirable prince that women all across the nation adore. It is a fantasy-comedy-mystery filled with dreams and adventures never before seen, bringing the world of fairy tales to life on an epic scale."
Who sings the main theme song?
The popular Japanese pop band Sekai no Owari sings the movie’s main theme song, “Time Machine.”
How long is Once Upon a Crime?
Once Upon a Crime isn’t an overly long movie and has a respectable runtime of 1 hour and 34 minutes. Add the movie to your watchlist now and check out the official trailer below.