It’s finally time to see how it’s all connected. The final episodes of Manifest have landed on Netflix with the arrival of Manifest season 4 part 2.
In the last 10 episodes of the series, Ben and Michaela lead the Lifeboat against great odds, including the Registry’s further sanctions against the passengers and mounting vitriol for them from the public. With Angelina also still posing a threat, the stakes are higher than high leading up to the Death Date.
Click here to read the Manifest season 4 part 1 recap guide!
Manifest season 4 part 2 spoilers and recap guide
In the following episode guide, we’re discussing all of the major SPOILERS from the final 10 episodes of Manifest. Read along as you finish each episode, or bookmark so you can read for clarity following your full binge-watch. Prepare for takeoff and landing!
Manifest season 4 episode 11 recap: Final Descent
The first episode of Manifest season 4 part 2 picks up almost eight months after the catastrophic events of the part 1 finale, and it’s revealed over 700 people died in the aftermath of the fissures opened up by Angelina’s reckless behavior. Publicly, a cause hasn’t been determined, though the fingers are being pointed at Flight 828 passengers.
Cal seemingly awakes from a Calling of a man running toward an explosion in the woods behind his secluded home, only to be shot dead by armed and armored agents. While coming down from the dream, Cal notices his dragon tattoo glowing for the first time in eight months. Back in the woods, an agent picks up the man’s flip phone with a 9-1-1 dispatcher on the other end and snaps it in half.
While the Stone kids fend for themselves, Ben and Michaela are detained in the 828 detention facility. Olive and Eden visit with Ben from behind opposite sides of a glass partition, and it’s like entering a high security prison. For the passengers, there are identification bracelets to scan that track their location. Michaela sits out visiting hours while Ben, ever the gentleman, helps Russ get ready for his visitor. Rather than being held with the rest of the passengers, Saanvi’s allowed to work in the research lab.
Meanwhile, Michaela goes through the motions, not even interested when Ben relays the news that Cal is glowing. Ben, knowing how she feels, talks about her grief and holding onto it too tightly. Suddenly, they’re in opposite perspectives as they were in part 1, both now having lost a spouse and rallying for their sibling. Charged up from his visit with his daughters, Ben wants to break out of the facility.
Later that night, Zeke comes to Michaela from the Glow. He’s in the divine consciousness, but he’s also somehow back in 2018. Michaela notices he’s wearing Chloe’s necklace and the clothes he was in when she found him in the cave. It seems as though since he’s only been in the Glow once, he returned at the same time as before… maybe? Full disclosure, this doesn’t make immediate sense, but hopefully it will later on in the season.
Zeke disappears as the alarm goes off in the detention facility. Bethany panics about her wife, Georgia, after having a Calling, and she’s attempting to leave the facility. During the confusion of the alarm going off and Bethany’s panic, Ben and Michaela sneak out. On their way out, they run into Vance, and he helps them leave by removing their ID tags.
Vance overhears an agent or guard (seemingly the 828 detention facility equivalent of a Stromtrooper) inform Zimmer about a package for Gupta. He presses Zimmer, but she’s keeping the “package” a secret. But that’s for another time since Zimmer quickly moves on to Bethany and the Callings Unit, and Saanvi insists they over-sedated Bethany and she can’t help explain her Calling. Zimmer doesn’t care about the wellbeing of the passengers. She only cares about understanding their Callings by any means necessary.
While Saanvi continues to advocate for the passengers, Vance assists with fighting for passengers to join the Callings Unit in the field to help solve their Callings. Zimmer won’t hear any of it and easily takes the crown as the new worst Manifest character. Taking it one step further, she reveals the NSA and Homeland Security have teamed up to put a $50,000 bounty on the heads of the missing passengers, including Cal and Angelina. After Zimmer leaves, Vance discreetly hands Ben and Michaela’s ID bracelets to Saanvi.
After Ben and Michaela reunite with the kids, they borrow Zeke’s mom’s car to check on Georgia. Back at the facility, they’re running out of time. Even with Saanvi scanning their ID tags, the Registry knows the Stones escaped. Meanwhile, Jared and Drea find agents ransacking Georgia’s house, and Cal has a Calling on the plane. He sees an apple, an old barn, and a bag full of guns in a red car and hears Georgia calling out for Bethany.
Ben and Michaela find Georgia in her ransacked home, and Cal explains his — Bethany’s — Calling to them, which leads them to the next leg of their investigation. Georgia explains that it’s about Anson Vasik, an 828er who reached out for her help. They were to meet at the barn in Conklin, where they travel to. While looking for Anson in the barn, a disgruntled Billy shoots at them, but Michaela holds him at gunpoint.
Back at home, Olive and Cal lie to Jared and Drea (and that other nasty Registry agent) about knowing where Ben and Michaela are, but the nasty agent doesn’t believe them… especially when sees a “welcome home daddy” drawing from Eden. They take Cal’s phone, but Ben has Olive’s phone, which she immediately has him destroy so they can’t be tracked. Georgia explains that she and other 828 sympathizers have provided a safe house for the missing passengers, and that Billy clearly catfished her as Anson in order to score the Registry’s bounty.
As they make their way back home on foot, Ben and Michaela discover a fresh crash site with smoke coming up from the ground. (The explosion from the beginning of the episode?) They hypothesize it could have been an airplane… but what airplane and who made it disappear? This discovery prompts Ben to suggest going back to the detention center in order to protect the others. It’s a risky plan that Michaela isn’t immediately on board with, and Olive and Cal aren’t too crazy about it either.
Another visit from Zeke inspires Michaela to join Ben back at the detention center, where he’s turned himself in and covertly informed Vance about the crash site outside the apple orchard. When Vance visits the crash site, he can’t believe what he’s seeing. Possibly connected to this development, Captain Daly’s hidden in the depths of the detention center and heavily sedated (killed maybe?!) with a massive needle by a nurse under Zimmer’s ominous watch.
Biggest Revelations:
- Olive asks Ben about TJ, and he reveals that he’s seen TJ in the yard at the detention center and that he knows he misses Olive. However, we don’t get to see TJ in this episode or receive any additional information about him.
- Jared, Drea, and the nasty Registry agent find Billy, and they do the Lord’s work by defending 828ers and their ability to solve Callings.
- The end of the episode reveals that there’s a pregnant passenger in the detention center.