Sweet Tooth season 2 episode 8 recap: The Ballad of the Last Men
The eighth episode opens with Adi going to sit in the room where Rani was initally held captive at the Preserve. The room is full of purple flowers now. He falls asleep after sitting for a while. Then, we cut to Bear comforting Tiger in her last moments. Before she dies, Tiger tells Bear that Abbot and the Last Men killed all of the Animal Army members.
At the Preserve, Johnny finally comes to his senses and quickly packs his things to leave but is stopped by General Abbot. Abbot basically guilt trips Johnny to stay and help him find the hybrids. Elsewhere, Adi finally wakes up and finds tons of dead bodies all throughout the Preserve.
At the cabin, Jepperd, Aimee, and Gus decide to stay and face Abbot and his army while Bear takes the rest of the hybrid kids to the Andersons so they’re safe. Meanwhile, Abbot, Johnny, and the Last Men near Yellowstone. After setting everything up at the cabin, Gus sets a fire to show Abbot and his army where to find them.
As Abbot and Johnny exit the plane and begin walking to the cabin, Johnny aims his gun at his brother. Although he pulls the trigger on the gun, nothing happens because Abbot had already took out the bullets. Abbot tells Johnny that he doesn’t have to help him and can instead leave. But as Johnny walks away, Abbot shoots him in the back, ultimately killing him.
As Abbot and his men finally arrive near the cabin, Jepperd, Aimee, and Gus begin their attack. After most of the Last Men are killed, Abbot finally comes out of hiding. Jeppered spots him and they immediately start fighting. Initially, Jepperd has the upper hand, but then Abbot kicks him in his injured knee. Afterward, Abbot heads to the cabin where Aimee and Gus are, and Jeppered alerts them that he’s on his way.
Meanwhile, Wendy runs away from Bear to go help Aimee and Gus but she’s stopped by a Last Man. Luckily, Bear swoops in and saves the day. Wendy notices Bear’s necklace on the ground and Bear tells her to pick it up and open it. Once Wendy opens the necklace, she sees a picture of them together as kids. Bear tells Wendy that they’re sisters, but Wendy doesn’t react positively to the news. She walks away and Bear follows after her.
At the cabin, Aimee locks Gus up in a secret area under the stairs and then waits for Abbot to arrive. While waiting, she kills the rest of the Last Men. Abbot barges into the cabin and attacks Aimee. As he’s about to kill her, Aimee reveals to him that she has the Sick. Abbot immediately backs away from Aimee but she quickly runs and jumps on his back. Then, she injects him with the Sick.
They tussle for a bit before Abbot is able to throw Aimee off his back. But in the process, he loses the treatment that was in his pockets. Gus breaks free from the secret area under the stairs and grabs the treatment off the ground before running out the door. Abbot chases after Gus and shoots him in the leg to slow him down. Gus walks a couple of steps before falling to the ground. As Abbot is about to shoot Gus, Jepperd suddenly appears. Then, Abbot points his gun at Jepperd.
Gus yells for him to stop and then suddenly a herd of bison charges at them. Gus moves out of the way in time, but the bison trample over Abbot. A couple of seconds later, Bear and Wendy arrive. Gus smiles as he walks up to Jepperd, but then he’s suddenly shot in the back with an arrow by Abbot. He falls to the ground and becomes unconscious. Jepperd tries to wake him up but to no avail. Abbot dies after shooting the arrow.
Then, the episode cuts to Jepperd, Bear, Wendy, and the other hybrids burying Aimee in the woods. Later in the cabin, Gus sleeps while Jepperd listens to Birdie’s cassette tape. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Wendy reads one of the books Richard wrote while Bear watches her. Bear looks down at the book and sees a name she recognizes. That name is Gillian Washington. She continues to look through the book and finds a map of Alaska.
After dreaming of Birdie, Gus wakes up and describes what he saw in his dream to Jepperd, Bear, and Wendy. Gus explains to them that something in his dream was telling him to find Birdie. Then, Jepperd, Bear, and Wendy offer to help Gus search for his mom. After Wendy tells Gus that Birdie is in Alaska, they head there. Meanwhile, Adi arrives at Gus’s cabin at Yellowstone and finds the map of Alaska.
The season finale ends with Zhang finding out from her army that Abbot is dead and that there isn’t a cure. She also receives an audiotape that belonged to Adi, but it’s damaged and needs to be repaired first. Finally, Zhang walks to a cage that has seemingly vicious animals in it and gives them uncooked red meat. She speaks out loud and says that she’s going to have to take care of something herself. What she has to “take care” of is unknown, though.
Sweet Tooth season 2 is streaming on Netflix right now.