The story of Gus in Sweet Tooth on Netflix is by far one of the most in-depth, complex, mystical, and creative stories of the decade. Season 1 delved deep into Gus’ young home life and gave us a look at what the world looks like post-Crumble from the safety of a fenced-in cabin deep in Yellowstone Park. We witnessed the truly inspiring relationship between Pubba and Gus and the sacrifice Pubba would have to make to keep Gus safe. In Sweet Tooth season 2, we traveled far beyond those sacred cabin grounds and into a dangerous world of discrimination, violence, and conflict.
Sweet Tooth is a fan-favorite Netflix series for many reasons. The story always stays true to its core virtues. Gus’ desire for family and a sense of belonging, the preservation of childhood innocence, and the incessant, consistent effect of others’ perceptions, actions, and pain to take that innocence away. The resilience and natural strength displayed by Gus and all the young hybrids and their allies mirrors the triumphs we all wish to make not only for our adult selves but our young selves and children as well.
Season 2 was a masterpiece of suspense, comedic relief, sheer conflict, and jaw-dropping revelations. Maybe with so much going on, you missed out on some of the biggest plot points in the finale and where the story may take us next!
Warning: Sweet Tooth season 2 spoilers ahead!
Sweet Tooth season 2 ending explained
Let’s take a brief look at what happened at the end of Sweet Tooth season 2, the new questions we all have, and where season 3 might take us!

Do Bear and Wendy reunite in Sweet Tooth season 2?
At the end of season 1, Bear is seen opening up a tin box she has carried around the whole show with a picture of her and her sister inside. It is shown, shockingly, that her sister bore the features of a pig. This was no small revelation and left viewers scratching their heads at how they were tied together and how Wendy ended up being dropped off at The Preserve.
In season 2, Bear realizes who Wendy is while on the bus heading towards the cabin after they all escape The Preserve with the Animal Army making an appearance to escort the bus safely. She keeps it to herself until later in the finale when Aimee becomes infected with The Sick. With Abbot on his way to the cabin, Aimee, Jepperd, and Gus all make a plan to fight back while asking Bear to take all the hybrid children to a safe location. Wendy doesn’t want to leave her mother and in an intense moment of vulnerability, bear tells Wendy to try and get her to listen. We all saw as Wendy brushed this off at first, later warming up to Bear and finally allowing her in.
Personally, I hope in season 3, we get to see Bear and Wendy really explore their relationship and maybe get more details about their past and how they were split up. It’s also worth mentioning that the tenacity and sense of leadership that Bear naturally displays coupled with Wendy’s profound sense of smell and devotion to the protection of all of her brothers and sisters would be awesome to see.

How does Jepperd get redemption in Sweet Tooth season 2?
The end of season 1 hadn’t placed Jepperd in a promising position. Left for dead by The Last Men, he was narrowly saved by Wendy and separated from Gus. We were left hanging, wondering what their next move would be after Wendy made it very obvious she wasn’t giving up.
During season 2, the relationship between Aimee and Jepp is explored as a major theme and not without its’ ups and downs. Jepperd is much more focused on Gus while Aimee looks to protect all non-human life on Earth, especially the hybrids. After their first failed attempt at saving the hybrids from The Preserve and narrowly escaping with the use of Gus’ slingshot and some canned food, Aimee and Jepperd were stopped in the road while waiting for a herd of buffalo to pass and Aimee asks if he ever harmed hybrid children during his time as a Last Man. They go on to strike a deal with some rebellions with airplanes to help create a distraction long enough for them to get inside and rescue with children. While on the base, Jepperd admits to Aimee, shockingly, that not only did he used to catch hybrids but that he was so good at it that they nicknamed him “hybrid-catcher.” Not only does their relationship take a huge hit when Aimee decides to leave him behind on the base, but we all see how hurt Jepperd is by this.
At the end of Sweet Tooth season 2, Jepperd becomes the unofficial protector for all the children as he gets inside The Preserve first and helps Gus get all the children out safely and into the bus to leave. This was an important plot point, as Jepperd is a new person with his core beliefs and his disgruntled personality has evolved. Jepperd not only made a redemption in his attempt at protecting the children from Abbot but has found new meaning: something worth fighting for. I cannot wait to see how his relationship with the children flourishes later in the story. He’s been through a lot and is bound to apply his strength and unrelenting will to survive in the name of protecting the hybrids.

Do Dr. Singh and Rani end up together in Sweet Tooth season 2?
The end of season 1 was extremely hard on Adi. Having been taken to the preserve by Abbot, he is forced to become the leader in developing a cure, which means experimenting on the hybrid children. This is made far worse by the fact that his wife, Rani, is now a prisoner whose freedom is reliant on Adi’s ability to produce a cure.
Season 2 highlights Adi’s resourcefulness and proclivity for leaving an impact on the world. After drugging Gus to desperately learn any information that would prevent him from having to experiment on another hybrid, he learns of Fort Smith and the project that led to the creation of Gus in the first place. After they visit Fort Smith, he finds the chickens that were genetically modified and he believes it could be the secret to a cure. We watch as his intentions and reason for chasing a cure evolve into an obsession with saving the world.
After he thought he had made a cure and secured his freedom, he quickly realizes it was a fluke and the cure still doesn’t exist. This sends him reeling and against Rani’s wishes, chooses to fixate on the creation of the cure after she told him she wants to simply leave so they can be free. After making it as close as the front gate of The Preserve to leave, Adi regretfully decides to head back into the lab to secure research. When he comes back, Rani is gone, having chosen freedom outside the walls of The Preserve over continuing the search for the cure that would save her life. Adi doesn’t take this well and attempts to end his life with the use of the toxic purple flowers he used to drug Gus.
The end of season 2 shows Rani aimlessly wandering the land outside the walls of the preserve, enjoying the wildlife and beautiful landscapes. She ends up finding a horse and riding away, still infected with The Sick. After Adi awakens from sleep in the room with the toxic flowers, he is surprised to find he is alive. We watch as he pulls Gus’ antler from his pocket. What could this mean? Adi is seen at the end of the season finding his way to the cabin in Yellowstone and seemingly piecing together the fact that they are on their way to Alaska.

Does Aimee Eden die in Sweet Tooth season 2?
When season 1 was finished, we were left with a vengeful Aimee ready to take on Abbot and his army once again for her children. This was all after we witnessed Aimee Eden at her best, caring not only for Wendy but The Preserve full of witty, playful hybrids that had finally found a safe place to stay.
Season 2 gave us a deeper look into Aimee Eden and who is she. We witnessed first-hand the level of unrelenting devotion she had for the safety of the hybrid children. She put the children’s safety before anything and everything else, ultimately planning on storming The Preserve just long enough to extract the children and make a break for safety.
The finale of season 2 brought us to our knees, as we discovered that Aimee had contracted The Sick. Initially keeping it a secret, Jepperd found out and we see Aimee say that she forgives Jepp for his past and thanks him for selflessly saving “her kids.” Aimee, until the end, tried to keep The Sick a secret from most of the children, wanting to give them a break after their traumatic experiences from The Preserve. Even though her infection, she manages to help Gus and Jepperd protect the cabin.
Unfortunately, Aimee Eden meets her demise at the end of season 2, presumably having succumbed to The Sick. Her affection, compassion, and devotion to the children will certainly have a lasting effect on their lives moving forward. Amidst a world wrought with danger and discrimination towards the children, they knew what home felt like with a mother that loved them.

Do Johnny and Douglas Abbot die in Sweet Tooth season 2?
Johnny and Douglas Abbot, though very different, were tragic elements in the world of Sweet Tooth. The end of season 1 had Douglas Abbot on the winning side of the story, with his diabolical scheme to acquire the cure and secure his leadership and authority. He had The Preserve, the doctor, and all the resources available to sway the future of humanity in his direction. The last and probably most important aspect of his plan, however, failed.
In season 2, the story expands so that we were able to finally understand the scene from season 1 in which Abbot gathers a bouquet to meet a woman. Instead, he is met by a man that we can assume is in charge of another society somewhere else. Season 2 shows us that not only is there another aside from Abbot but there are also three. In Abbot’s plan for securing himself as a respected leader, he is tasked with getting them all on board, especially a well-dressed woman by the name of Mrs. Zhang. During his pitch to The Three, Gus manages a dramatic intervention and gives a heart-wrenching speech explaining to them that Abbot is killing the hybrids to find the cure. Abbot becomes distraught and ends up making a plan with Mrs. Zhang to escape to a compound that they will wall off and keep only those chosen safe. In return, Mrs. Zhang and her “associates” begin gunning down all of the other members of the other factions.
As for Johnny, season 2 expanded on his true nature. We learn that Johnny is the kinder of the brothers and though he despises what Douglas does, he has untethered loyalty to his brother. He would often break the rules and ignore Douglas’ authority, often going on walks with Rani and allowing her to freely roam on the grounds of The Preserve. During a conversation on the helicopter ride to the cabin, we learn that this loyalty came about because Douglas had killed their father to protect Johnny from abuse.
The final episode of season 2 brings us all to Yellowstone, the site of the cabin. We witness Johnny finally making his stand opposing Douglas in front of the most important Last Men, giving a painful speech. In the end, Johnny attempts to shoot Douglas with a gun Douglas had given him on the helicopter. Unfortunately, it was a ruse and the gun was empty. It should come as no surprise that after Douglas told Johnny that he could leave, he promptly shot Johnny in the back, killing him. This tragic death felt almost the worst of all of Douglas’ previous wrongdoings.
The finale goes on to show Abbot attempting to get into the cabin, facing Jepperd, and ultimately beating him on his way in due to Big Man’s bum knee. After getting into the cabin and facing Aimee Eden infected with The Sick, he fights desperately for the last remaining alleged cure in Aimees’ pocket. The altercation ends up moving to the property outside the cabin as Gus takes the vial and tries to run off, narrowly dodging bullets. In one of the most powerful, thought-provoking scenes in the show, right as Abbot is about to get the vial from Gus and kill him, Gus screams and Abbot is violently overrun by a stampede of buffalo, seemingly reacting directly to the cry for help from Gus. Just before Abbot’s final moments, he manages to shoot Gus in the back with an arrow, cementing his place in history as the ultimate rival and nemesis to hybrids.

Will Gus find his mother after Sweet Tooth season 2?
Our deery-eyed, antler-bearing protagonist was left in a troubling position at the end of season 1 of Sweet Tooth. Having been taken into custody by Abbot and The Last Men, Gus was thrown into a caged room with the rest of the hybrids who were all bound to end up in an experiment used to find a cure for The Sick.
Season 2, though chock-full of plenty of ups and downs, was not initially kind to Gus. Firstly, he was originally taken in by the rest of the hybrid group but that quickly turned sideways when he was found to have lied about a fellow hybrid being taken. He was shunned and the group no longer trusted him. At one point, after trying to escape and gashing one of The Last Men in the leg, he was caught and taken to Abbot. The dialogue that preceded was one that we knew was coming eventually but hurt to watch. At the climax of this scene, to get Gus to be fearful and submit to his authority, Abbot cut off a portion of Gus’ antler. Though deeply traumatic, this was vital to the story of Sweet Tooth, as Gus was given the option to give into the fear or use this as a means to inspire action. He chose the latter. With the help of Aimee, Jepperd, and the rest of the hybrid children, Gus helps get all of the children safely out of The Preserve.
This excursion eventually leads to the cabin, where Gus makes a stand against Abbot and ultimately comes out triumphant, seemingly summoning a stampede of buffalo that trample Abbot and kill him. Season 2 flawlessly developed Gus’ character and managed to display the fact that though Gus had grown to be a source of inspiration for just about every ally in the series and having survived brutality, he still maintained his explorative nature, brave mentality, good heart, caring demeanor and innate desire to explore, belong, and find his mother. Bear finally got the recording of Gus’ mother back to him and it explained how Birdie was purposefully staying away from Gus in an attempt to keep him safe. At the end of the episode, Gus has a dream where he follows snowy deer tracks into a cave where Birdie is crouched next to a fire and asks Gus for help. Upon waking, Jepperd, Bear, and Wendy all tell Gus they will help him go to Alaska to find Birdie.
I am beyond excited about how season 2 of Sweet Tooth ended. Jepp, Wendy, Bear, and Gus all begin their journey to Alaska to find Birdie. Even through all that they’ve been through, the true nature of the show shines brightly as the hopeful gang all decide Gus deserves to find his mother. Sweet Tooth is an impeccable story of friendship, family, and hope, and that sheer will and determination will always flourish in the hearts of those that lead with love. I couldn’t be more excited to see where Sweet Tooth takes us next!
Questions for Sweet Tooth season 3
Sweet Tooth season 2 had a few moments that left me with more questions I hope to see explored in season 3:
- Who is Mrs. Zhang and what is in those cages?
- Why did Gus’ antler prevent Adi from succumbing to the toxic flowers?
- Are there other factions thriving aside from The Three?
- Who or what is the antler-bearing creature we saw in Gus’ hallucination?
- Does Gus have the ability to influence wildlife?
- Where did Rani go and will she somehow survive?
What did you think of Sweet Tooth season 2? Share your thoughts in the comments!