Welcome to Eden season 2, episode 5 recap: The New Eden
Welcome to Eden season 2, episode 5 takes us back to 2014, when Astrid, sporting long brown hair, was living with her father Florian, Isaac, and Isaac’s biological mother Nuria. It was Astrid’s father who concocted the plan for “New Eden,” selling his daughter on the plan. Unfortunately, he never gets to see New Eden come to fruition.
Not long after we meet Astrid’s dad, we witness his brutal murder. While driving with Isaac in the backseat, two assailants on a motorbike catch up to the vehicle and shoot Florian in the chest just as he attempts to send all his files on New Eden to Astrid. The gunshot causes Florian to drive the car off a cliff, where it flips several times and comes to a stop.
The assailants catch up and cancel Florian’s upload before it can finish and then light the car on fire, leaving Isaac to die. Luckily, Astrid and Nuria hear the wreck and see the smoke, so Astrid gets into her own car and speeds toward the crash site. She saves Isaac just in time. Now we know how he got the scar above his eye, though!
In the present, we follow up with Eloy and Isaac after they show up at the share circle. I don’t know what Eloy was expecting would happen, but Astrid immediately summons her security to tackle him. It’s only thanks to Isaac that he’s not thrown into the cell like Africa and Charly before him. Isaac pleads with his parents to save his new friend Eloy and Erick relents, so Eloy is allowed to return to the modules, where he finally reunites with Orson and his friends.
Moving forward, Astrid and Erick intend to keep Isaac with them in their house as they no longer feel safe leaving him in the volcano crater. Poor Nuria takes a beating from Danae as her punishment for letting Eloy leave with Isaac.
Eloy’s return has inspired members of the rebellion to put their plan to murder Astrid into motion. First, they intend to turn more people against her so they’ll have allies after killing her. Eloy, Ibon, Bel, and Zoa start spreading rumors throughout the camp regarding the plan to take them to space.
Africa returns during the next share circle, but she’s not happy to see Zoa. She feels betrayed by her because no one tried to help her while she was gone. Africa has adopted an “every woman for herself” mentality.
Speaking of the share circle, Som takes center stage, and we get more insight into why Astrid recruited her. Som’s father is a powerful oil tycoon, and she’s his heiress.
Before the session can end, discord spreads across Eden as people voice their apprehension over the island and the rumors they’ve been hearing about spaceships and who knows what else. Astrid is pissed and tells Joel to do something. But what does she expect him to do? Shoot everyone?
Astrid tells him to take the new girls out of there. Joel and Charly take Som and Gabi for some buggy racing and then a playful swim afterward. There is definitely some flirtation going on between Joel and Gabi, which feels icky because she’s so young, something Charly notes, too. At the beach, Joel tells Charly to sleep with Som that night or else. He’s instructed to record it.
Charly does as he’s told, though he has to drink a whole bottle of that hallucinogenic blue drink Eden makes to do it. It causes him to imagine Mayka in Som’s place throughout their lovemaking session.
Zoa is displeased when she returns to Gabi’s module and sees her in a new outfit courtesy of Astrid. She also witnessed her flirting with Joel on the beach, having ridden a horse nearby to keep an eye on her sister. Concerned that Gabi is being indoctrinated, she and Bel concoct a new scheme to ruin the next dinner at Astrid and Erick’s house.
In the control room, Joel delivers Mayka the USB drive containing Charly and Som’s sex tape. Mayka is devastated when she watches it. When Charly tries to visit her that night, she turns him away.
So, what was the purpose of forcing Charly to make a sex tape? Astrid sends it to Som’s father, Susik, who is currently strapped to multiple ventilators and barely breathing.
She instructs Mayka to send it to him so he’s forced to watch while she taunts him with the fact she now “owns” Som and all his money will become hers when he dies and Som inherits it. Susik was the one who ordered the hit on Astrid’s father. She notes the irony that he killed him to end the possibility of a “New Eden,” and now he’ll be their financier.
Dinner at Astrid and Erick’s is an interesting affair that includes Gabi, Africa, and Isaac. Astrid tells them all how they will be taken in by New Eden, where they will become the only surviving humans and repopulate it. She describes it as a paradise with clear oceans, beautiful rivers, and vibrant sun.
Meanwhile, Zoa and Bel graffiti “liars and scammers” on the side of the house alongside the symbol of Lilith. Then they throw a brick through the window to force everyone outside to see their handiwork before sneaking away. Astrid is pissed at Joel for letting his security fall by the wayside. He points out that there is only so much he and his team can do. She’s been making enemies lately as people begin losing faith in Eden.
Astrid decides to do something drastic and returns to the secret transmission room to activate the giant satellite once again, sending another signal to outer space. She seems to get whatever she’s looking for because Astrid hosts another meeting that same night and tells everyone they’ve now received the message they’ve been waiting for this whole time and asks everyone to have faith. Alma is the first one to step forward and accept Astrid’s embrace.
Written by Maddy Lennon