Welcome to Eden season 2, episode 4 recap: Second Chances
The fourth episode opens with Charly running away from Eden Foundation guards and Saul struggling to walk since he’s been shot. Joel and the other guards catch up to Charly and beat him up before taking him back to Astrid and Erick. Saul makes his way to Graciela’s tombstone and collapses to the ground. Danae finds Saul and is about to shoot him but decides to let him die alone after he asks.
Back at Astrid and Erick’s apartment, Astrid and Erick reprimand Mayka for her actions. However, they don’t punish her. Mayka begs Astrid and Erick to let Charly live and they listen to her, but there’s a catch. The catch is that Charly has to be Som’s link. He has to make Som fall in love with him to get her to stay on the island. He also can’t be with Mayka anymore. Astrid shows Charly a live stream of his nephew’s birthday party and tells him that his family will be killed if he doesn’t agree to their terms. So, Charly agrees to Astrid and Erick’s deal.
At Charly’s nephew’s birthday party, PI Brisa watches the mysterious guy working for Astrid and Erick record the party. This is the same recording Astrid showed Charly to get him to agree to the deal. So basically, the mysterious guy is doing Astrid and Erick’s dirty work in the outside world. Brisa talks to Charly’s brother and gives him her contact information before leaving the party.
Back on the island, Charly leaves Astrid and Erick’s apartment and begins his mission of getting Som to fall for him. Later, Gabi meets with Zoa and tells her that Charly is back on the island, but Zoa doesn’t initially believe her until she sees him for herself. Now, Zoa and Charly aren’t on good terms.
At Astrid and Erick’s apartment, Erick finds out Astrid has made Africa her personal slave instead of killing her. Although Erick doesn’t necessarily agree, he doesn’t fight Astrid on it because he wants to keep Africa around. They later invite Gabi over to brainwash her some more. Elsewhere on the island, Ibon and Orson search for Eloy.
Eloy and Isaac get to know each other more while walking on the island. Eloy tells Isaac he’s done hiding and believes that Astrid and Erick will forgive him if Isaac returns with him. But Isaac is hesitant to go back with Eloy to see his parents. However, he does show Eloy where he lives. Eloy notices an antenna and asks Isaac what it’s for, but Isaac is confused because he thought his parents would’ve told him already. Eloy tells him they haven’t, and Isaac explains.
At different places on the island, characters such as Zoa and Bel, Ibon and Orson, and Mayka and Charly sleep together. Erick goes to Africa’s room, and they kiss before he returns to his room and gets in bed next to Astrid.
The next morning, Ibon wakes up and finds Orson hiding behind a rock, watching guards place explosives throughout the island. Orson walks up to Danae and asks her what’s going on. She tells him that Joel told her to store explosives on the island for possible future use.
Later that morning, Astrid and Erick hold another evaluation with all the Eden Foundation members. Africa attends the evaluation, and Zoa, Bel, and Ibon are shocked to see her. While Alma is being evaluated, Eloy shows up with Isaac. Joel and the other guards point their guns at them, but Astrid and Erick tell them not to shoot. Astrid then announces to everyone around that Isaac is her son, and they all look shocked. Then, there’s a cut to the credits. What will happen now that everyone knows one of Astrid and Erick’s secrets?
Written by Crystal George