Welcome to Eden season 2, episode 3 recap: Committee
The third episode of Welcome to Eden season 2 opens with the Eden Foundation level 3 members in the meeting room casting a vote on whether Africa and Charly get to live or die. Saul plans to exact revenge on Astrid sometime during the meeting. Then, we cut to 12 hours earlier.
Zoa and Bel dispose of Nico’s dead body by throwing it into the ocean while Saul watches them from afar. Saul then leads Zoa and Bel to a location on the island where he created a tombstone for his mentor, Graciela. He explains to Zoa and Bel that Graciela’s alias was Lilith. This is where the symbol comes from. Saul also explains that the Blue Eden drink was Graciela’s idea and isn’t bad. It’s only considered dangerous because of how Astrid and Erick use it. But since Graciela was against the Eden Foundation’s methods, Astrid and Erick had Joel kill her.
During this scene, we also find out that Saul is the person who sent a death threat to Astrid at her and Erick’s party in season 1. Before walking away, Saul lets Zoa and Bel know that he’s going to kill Astrid. Meanwhile, Mayka comes up with a plan to free Charly and Africa.
Elsewhere on the island, Joel and Eva are about to have sex, but then Joel looks up and notices Isaac. Isaac runs away but accidentally leaves behind his bag, which Joel picks up. Once Isaac returns to the cave where Eloy is, he gives him fruit and water to eat and drink. During their conversation, Eloy learns that Isaac is highly intelligent since he was able to learn sign language in a day and that he’s the son of Astrid and Erick.
Back in the outside world, Ibon’s father tells PI Brisa to stop searching for Ibon because he seems happy where he is. Brisa disagrees but listens to him. She then receives a call from Zoa and Gabi’s mom, Roberta. Roberta tells Brisa that a mysterious man has been sitting in his car outside her apartment for days. Brisa tells her not to call the police and that she’ll handle it.
After Roberta leaves her apartment, the mysterious man breaks in to search for something. He comes across a photo of Zoa and Gabi and looks at it suspiciously. We later find out he works for Astrid and Erick when Brisa bumps into him on purpose. He helps Brisa pick up her things, and a star tattoo is shown on his wrist. This is the same star that Eden Foundation members get when they rise up the ranks. So, the mysterious man was sent by Astrid and Erick to get information on Gabi.
Back on the island, Gabi becomes closer to Astrid and Erick and slowly pulls away from Zoa more. Later in the day, Zoa and Bel have their first date and express their feelings to each other. Elsewhere, the level 3 Eden Foundation members meet to discuss Africa and Charly’s fates.
After casting the votes, a decision is made to execute Africa and Charly. But before the meeting ends, Mayka secretly opens the door where Africa and Charly are by using her electronic device, setting them free. While everyone’s trying to figure out what’s going on, Saul uses this as his opportunity to attack Astrid. He grabs her and puts a knife to her throat. The other members beg Saul to let her go while Joel points a gun at him.
Saul tells Erick that he’s the one who stabbed him and that if he doesn’t call the police and let the people on the island go, he will kill Astrid. But before any demands can be met, Africa sneaks behind Saul and knocks him in the head with a statue. This gives Astrid time to run away and Joel to shoot Saul. Saul falls to the ground. Then, we cut to Erick taking care of Astrid in the meeting room. After letting Erick know she’s okay, Astrid gets up and sees if Saul is still on the ground, but he’s no longer there. Then, we cut to the credits. So, where is Saul? I guess we’ll find out next episode.
Written by Crystal George