Uhtred finally heads to Bebbenburg
As it came out that Aethelhelm was working with both King Constantin of Scotland and Wihtgar, Uhtred realized that this was a chance to get Bebbenburg back. But it wasn’t just about this. They needed to act now to protect Northumbria from ending up under Scottish rule. Aethelhelm had Aelfwynn, Aethelflaed’s daughter. He wanted a marriage between Constantin and Aelfwynn, and Constantin agreed to this.
Edward didn’t want to attack Bebbenburg, though. He wasn’t willing to lose men. However, Aldhelm made it clear that the troops of Mercia stood by Uhtred’s plan, and Pyrlig confirmed he believed Uhtred was right. Then Aelswith made it clear that Uhtred’s plan was the right one. When Aelswith agrees with Uhtred, you take a second to realize Uhtred is most definitely right. And can I say that Aelswith was one of the best characters of The Last Kingdom season 5?
Edward threatened everyone with exile and death should they leave the gates. However, his new wife helped him realize that it was right to go after Bebbenburg after all. So, Edward agreed, knowing that Uhtred would be Lord of Bebbenburg if they were successful. He would have a lord he could trust in the north.
While Uhtred, Sihtric, and Finan managed to get in via climbing the wall, things didn’t fully go to plan. Haesten and Hild ended up being brought into Bebbenburg when that wasn’t the plan, and it looked like everything was going to fail. The Scottish Army had made it to Bebbenburg, outnumbering the English.
It looked like the English would be thrown off the cliff. However, Uhtred and spotted Stiorra, who Aelswith had reached out to for aid. Uhtred rode out to Stiorra to beg her for help. He made it clear to her people that he was Saxon and Dane. He would promise them safety in his lands. They would get to live in houses and farm land like their forefathers had wanted. It’s enough to get Stiorra to agree to fight. The Danes helped to take down the Scots, saving Edward, Aethelstan, and many others from going over the cliff.